Crossing Breeds Chapter 14

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Sorry it took so long guys, my lap top is stil down so I stole my little brothers. Its kinda short and I hope you like it!

-Third Person P.O.V-

Chance smirked at Vance as he slowly walked towards him, trying hard to ignore the guy behind him. He looked around him discreetly and felt disgusted at the hold he had on everyone. He turned back to face Vance and smiled. "Hello handsome." Vance gulped and took a step back, into the boy behind him.

"S-sorry Trevor." "No problem. Who's your friend?" Vance smiled three miles wide. This could be good. he thought before clearing his throat. "Trevor, meet my friend Chance, Chance meet Trevor, my boyfriend's best friend." Chance glared slightly at Vance before he smiled at Trevor. "Hi, it'd nice to meet you." He held out his hand and Trevor took it. "Ditto."

Vance was trying to sneak away when he was pushed against a locker. "Where do you think you’re going hot stuff?" Chance asked. Vance took in a deep breath and looked down at the smaller boy… man who was smiling coyly up at him. "I'm going to eat. It's lunch time, that's usually what you do." Chance licked his lips. "I could give you something to eat."

The heat in his eyes left little to the imagination. Vance swallowed. "I have a boyfriend Chance." Vance said loudly, as if reminding himself of this fact. Chance leaned up so that his lips were almost brushing Vance's. "Well, he's not here now is he? You want me Vance, I know you do. Don't hold back because of something called faithfulness. It means so little these days." Chance placed his lips over Vance's and added light pressure. Vance closed his eyes about to give in when an image of Blaine kissing Trevor popped into his mind’s eye.

He pushed Chance away with his new found fury and was almost shocked to see Chance's look of relief. "You are so wrong Chance. Faithfulness may mean little to you but to me it's everything. I will not cheat on Blaine with you, even though you two are one in the same. I refuse to be played like this. I love Blaine and I will stop at nothing to make him love me back. You will not stand in my way."

Vance pushed pass Chance and disappeared in the crowd that had formed. As the crowd started to fade Chance felt someone watching him. He looked up and saw that it was Trevor, his eyes hard and cold. "Can I help you?" Trevor closed the distance between the two of them, roughly pushing him against the wall, gathering a bit of attention. "You give our people a bad name. How could you do this to someone? Find your own body and live your own life." "What?" Trevor rolled his eyes. "Meet me at the main gates after school. We have to talk."

With that said Trevor walked away, shoving his hands in his pockets while Chance stood there shocked. There are more like me?


<3 Kittie

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