Crossing Breeds Chapter 15

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-Chance P.O.V-


I was leaning against the main gates when the last bell rang, waiting anxiously for Trevor. I never knew that there were others like me. I thought I was alone. A rough hand gripped my upper arm and began to pull me away. I tried to struggle but when I saw it was Trevor I let him drag me away.



-Trevor P.O.V-


I looked over my shoulder at Chance...if that was his real name, and saw him looking at the ground. I felt a muscle in my jaw twitch. He was beautiful, but lost. "What is your birth name?" I heard myself asking. He looked up at me, his red eyes dull, and bit his lower lip. "I don't know. My Mistress calls me Roman."


My brows furrowed. "Mistress?" He sighed. "My parents sold me to a Slayer for food before I was given a name. Haven't seen them since." I stopped. "I'm sorry. Incusite's aren't normally that rash. What do you know of our kind?" I led him to a swing set and sat down on one of the swings while he stood next to me. "I know we don't have bodies of our own and we feed off sex."


I shook my head. "No, we feed off emotions. We're just good at sex. Now tell me, why are you trying to get into Vance's pants?" Roman sat on the swing next to mine and sighed. "My Mistress, she wants Blaine and if Vance doesn't care about him Blaine would be that much easier to acquire. I'm ordered to make him love me before the month is at an end then she's giving me my freedom."


"Why does she want Blaine?" I asked on high alert. Roman shrugged. "She won't tell me, but I think it has something to do with her being a Vampire Slayer and Blaine being a Vampire." My jaw dropped. Vampire Slayers were not to be messed with. But why would a vampire slayer want a werewolf? Unless this Mistress is on her first hunt and misjudged who was who...This isn't good.


I got up and stood before Roman, stooping so we were eye level and placed my hands on his knees. "Roman, who is your Mistress?" He looked away. "I can't tell you." "You've already told me so much, why can't you give me a name?" I asked desperately. "B-because I just can't. If I say her name she'll know I've been talking to someone and I don't want to be punished." I cupped his cheek in my hand and ran my thumb under his eye, brushing away a barely there tear. "Incusites are strong and noble creatures, and loyal to those we love. Do you love your Mistress?'


Roman shook his head. "Even after all the lives I've ruined she's always been there to be my shoulder to cry on, even if it was just a ploy. I hate her and what she makes me do, but if I left she'd still have a hold over me because I don't have my own body." Trevor sighed and stood. "I'd offer you a body but I don't know how to get hold of one. I heard there was a body maker somewhere around here, if I find them in time...will you stop this?"

Roman looked at me with wide eyes. "Y-you'd do that for me?" I nodded. "Why?" he asked still shocked. I stood, causing him to look up at me in order to maintain eye contact. "Because you are mine to protect, and I will protect what is mine." I gripped the ropes that were holding the swing up and leaned down slowly and gently pressed my lips to his. "Continue what you must to survive but help Vance understand why you're doing it okay?" Roman nodded and I smiled before kissing him again.



<3 Kittie

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