Crossing Breeds Chapter 2

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-Blaine P.O.V-

        I walked away with my hands deep in my pockets. Is that an erection I feel? I grinned as his words repeated themselves over and over in my mind, like a forbidden mantra. I had turned someone on and not just any someone. Nope, that someone was my arch enemy.

I grinned wider. “Shoot, I got options.” A boy I was walking pass turned to look at me. I smiled at him. “See something you like sugar?” I asked in a girlish voice, batting my lashes. He blushed. “N-no.” He started to push past me but…I’m feeling playful right now. I pushed him up against the lockers and placed my arms above his head, pinning him there, his fear was cute.

        He took in a deep breath and looked at me panicked. I smirked. “You know, liars were never my favorite people.” I said in a low seductive voice. He gulped but didn’t say anything. “What’s your name?” “T-Trevor.” he stuttered. “Well Trevor, do you know what I do to liars?” His pale green eyes stared up at me innocently. “No.” I leaned in until my lips brushed his ear and whispered, “I prove them wrong.”

        I kissed his earlobe and felt him tremble. I grinned and pulled away to look down at him. He had his eyes closed tightly and I couldn’t help the soft chuckle that escaped. This guy was too cute. I felt eyes on me and turned my head only to see Vance glaring at me and the poor boy who was now my captive. I raised a brow.

His eyes shifted to mine and I saw the jealous fury in them. What would he be jealous for? I smirked at him then, with our eyes still locked, I leaned down and softly placed a kiss on Trevor’s moist lips. I felt him stiffen but didn’t keep my lips attached long enough to see if he would respond. I pulled away and he was looking at me wide eyed. “You…you raped my mouth!” he exclaimed. I laughed. “I apologize Trevor, but you and I both know you wanted it.”

He said nothing but the tell tale blush said it all. I pushed away from the lockers and shoved my hands in my pockets. “I’ll see you around Trevor.” Without waiting for an answer I turned and walked away. In case all you invisible people haven’t caught on yet, I’m gay, and freaking proud.

As I walked off school grounds I felt rather than heard her presence. I sighed as a slim arm looped through mine. I swear this girl just got here and already she’s appointed herself my girlfriend. Mind you, I’ve already told her that I prefer the male sex organ. “Hello Blaine.” she sang in a voice my sensitive ears found annoying. “Hello Kristella. Walking me home?” She threw her head back and laughed, making my ears cry tears of blood.

“I was thinking the other way around.” she said twirling a strand of hair around her finger. I looked down at her. “I’m pretty sure your house is way out and I need to get right home.” She pouted. “Oh, come on Blaine. I’m new and I don’t think a beautiful girl like me should be walking home alone.” Her yellow eyes sparked with something but before I could figure out what it was gone. “Come on Blaine, be a gentleman.” I rolled my eyes and sighed.

If my father taught me anything it was to always heed the cry of a distressed damsel. No matter how annoying. It is how he met my mom, not like I’ll meet a girl I’d want to date. “Fine Kristella, I’ll walk you home.” She clapped her hands and pulled me in the opposite direction of my house. I sighed. I should’ve kicked Vance’s ass, maybe I would’ve missed her.

-At Blaine’s House- Vance P.O.V-

        I stood across the street from Blaine’s house, waiting for him to get home. “Dude, I don’t see why I need to be here while you stalk some filthy…” “Say it and I’ll rip your balls off.” I heard Dwayne sigh. “Can I please go? The prophecy has nothing to do with me.” “Fine, but when Father asks me why I was alone in enemy territory what should I tell him?” Dwayne glared at me. “I thought so.”

Minutes later Blaine staggered up his front porch, but instead of going inside he slumped against the door. His pale skin looked tinged with green and he was sweating profusely. My eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Aren’t you goanna swoop in and save your precious dog?” Dwayne asked sarcastically.

I ignored him and watched as Blaine struggled with his key, just to give up and bang on the door. The door opened and he fell forward onto his younger sister. “Blaine? Blaine?! Momma!” Blaine was pulled into the house and the door slammed shut. I growled. “Wasn’t he fine two hours ago?” Dwayne asked suddenly concerned.

Hell, if the Fayte of my race rested upon someone’s shoulders unknowingly and they got sick I would be concerned too. “Someone is messing with my Blaine, and I’ll be damned if I don’t find out who it is.” I felt Dwayne eyeing me. “You are way too possessive my friend. Come, we must tell the Daniks.”

Crossing Breeds (BoyxBoy)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu