Crossing Breeds Chapter 9

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 Hey guys!! I jus wanna let you guys know that Crossing Breeds is on the Paranomal list and I have no idea how it got there. can someone clue me in???

-Third Person P.O.V-

        Blaine walked with his head down, wondering what had happened and why he felt the change of heart. Vampires had been the ones who had killed his father and their pack. Blaine sighed deeply and went to the school roof. Normally he wouldn’t skip class but it was time he faced the past and got over it.

        For if he bore a grudge against the people he was helping they would only have more power over him. There was a light wind blowing as he took a seat with his back pressed against the wall a little ways away from the door. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes, remembering.

        “Mummy! Daddy’s coming!” little Blaine said as he pulled his mother and sister to the door. Blaine flung open the door and froze. His mother gasped and picked up his little sister, Stacie, and covered her eyes.

        “Blaine! Get inside now!” “Daddy!” Blaine ignored his mother and ran into the midst onslaught. “Daddy!” Blaine ran towards his father who was fighting for the life of one of his fallen comrades. Dom looked towards his son in panic.

        “Get back inside son!” As he shouted this to his son the man who he was fighting’s teeth elongated and sunk into Dom’s jugular. “Daddy!!!!” Blaine was picked up and carried back to his home in his mothers arm, shaking and crying, his eyes refusing to close.

“Mamma…” “Shh little one, we’ll be okay.”

                Blaine shivered at the memory. He didn’t remember what happened after that but he knew that he, his mother, his sister, and a few of the pack women had survived. Blaine opened his eyes and felt the tears slowly drifting down his cheeks and falling onto his bare arms. “I miss him so much.” he whispered to himself.

“I’m sure he misses you too, who ever he is.” Blaine’s head shot up as his eyes clashed with brown eyes that had blue flecks in them. “Hey Blaine.” “Hey Trevor.” Blaine dropped his tearstained face into his hands. “So…is this he an old boyfriend of yours?” Trevor asked sitting down next to him.

        “No, I’ve never been in a relationship worth missing.” “Then who is he?” Blaine lifted his head and stared incredulous at the black haired, multi hued eyed boy. “Weren’t you mad at me for ‘rapping’ your mouth?” Trevor laughed. “I’ve forgiven you. Now, don’t you want to talk to a friend?” “You consider me a friend?” Blaine raised and eyebrow and Trevor nodded.

        “He is my father, he was killed when I was 10 and I watched the whole thing.” he sucked in a strangled breath and brushed fresh tears from his cheek. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I can’t say I know how you feel because that’ll be a huge ass lie. I’m glad my dad left me and my mom.” “How come?” “I just didn’t like the guy, he was no good.”

        Blaine shook his head, his tears forgotten. “So…what brings you up here?” Blaine tilted his head back to look at the sky. “To forgive and let die. What about you?” Blaine shot back looking at Trevor from the corner of his eye. “I followed you.” Blaine lifted a brow. “Blunt one aren’t you?” He shrugged. “You do hate liars.” Blaine chuckled. “You know that by not telling me everything, you’re still lying right?”

        He rolled his eyes. “I also followed to ask if you kiss every guy you come across.” Blaine’s eyes sparked with amusement. “Am I hearing jealously from you Trevor?” Trevor scoffed. “Of course you are!” Blaine belted out a laugh that brought a triumphant grin to Trevor’s face. “Feeling better?” Blaine nodded. “Thanks.” “What are friends for?” Trevor said patting Blaine on his back. Blaine smiled. “Did you forgive?” “Yeah.” “Let die?” “…Something like that.”

        The bell rang and Trevor got up. “Well, it’s the start of recovery I guess.” He held out his hand to Blaine. Blaine looked at it for a while then grinned, taking it firmly in his and, with assistance, stood to his feet. “Thanks again Trevor.” “Eh, don’t mention it. Everyone needs a friend a time or two in their lives.”

        “I guess, what do you have next?” Blaine asked as the walked down the staircase and into the now crowed halls. “French, why?” “For one, I’m walking you to class. For two, I’m walking you to the class after that and kidnapping you to my table for lunch.” Trevor threw his head back and laughed. “Is your boyfriend goanna like that?” Blaine snorted. “He’s no my boyfriend, he just wants to be.”

        “Oh do I?”


<3 Kittie

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