Crossing Breeds Chapter 6

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Read this rockin new story guys!!!


This is a very short chapter…but I hope you enjoy it all the same! J

-Blaine’s P.O.V-

        “Dude, wait!” His voice sent a delicious shiver down my spine and I growled. I hated the way he made me feel. However, I’ve never reacted like this. Maybe it’s because I was on his turf... I got to the top of the stairs and sped down the hall. I curs thee, vampire speed. Vance came from nowhere and I ran into him.

        “Let me leave you parasite!” I punched him in his gut and he let out a lungful of air. I went to go around him as he double over but his hand latched onto me. “Let go!” I had my eyes trained on the door, trying to tug free but I guess the venom still had me a bit weak seeing as I couldn’t break his grip.

        I felt my eyes blur and my mind filled with past memories. Memories I try so hard to forget. I must’ve made some sort of sound because the next thing I know I was up against a solid, warm wall of strength and soft coos were being whispered in my ear. “Shh, its okay, it’ll be fine.” I felt as a tear ripped its way from my tear duct and down my face.

        I brought my hands up and started to pound his chest. “No! Its not! You don’t have a clue what your people have put us through! You have no clue!” My abuse subsided and I buried my face in his shirt as blood and gore passed behind my closed eyelids. I heard a pitiful whimper and, without shame, let out another.

        I felt his hands running through my hair and down my back, trying to calm me. I hadn’t cried in 11 years. Not since the raid. Not since the demise of my pack, my family. I whimpered again. I saw colorful dots swarming my vision and I didn’t try to fight them, I let them cloud my vision. The crying stopped, the whimpering stopped, the pain stopped, I stopped.

-Unknown P.O.V-

        I blinked up at the 6’4 black eyed grey haired person. “Well hey there sexy.”

-Vance P.O.V-

        Blaine blinked up at me, and then his red eyes…wait, what? “Well hey there sexy.” My eyes and mouth dropped at the sight I was seeing. Before my very eyes violet eyes turned red, dark blue hair turned white, muscle receded, man curves preceded and height shortened. “What the hell?!”

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