Crossing Breeds Chapter 17

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-Christmas Eve-

        Kristella looked out the window as the sun fell behind the horizon, smiling. The time would soon be hers. Soon she would feast on the flesh and soul of her first real hunt. Blaine would not see it coming, and neither would Vance. She looked back at Roman (Chance) who was playing with his new body, altering his appearance to fit the one others had come to know.

        “Enjoying yourself  servant?” He flinched at her tone. “Y-yes Mistress. Thank you again, for the body. You didn’t have to and I am honored that you did.” he replied meekly before leaving the room to put clothes on. Kristella smirked. “Do not forget your mission, it begins in half an hour!” “Yes Mistress.”

-Blaine P.O.V-

        Vance was steadfastly ignoring me. It’s been a week and he’s only given me one word answers. Seems he doesn’t like to be dominated. Well what did he expect of a wolf? I let him do me numerous of times since the night I took is boginity (virgin butt) but after he’d always leave me. It was getting irritating. Today was my birthday and I really wanted more than just a trip to Boinks Ville.

        I bet Vance didn’t even know what today was. It was dark now and he still hadn’t called or texted…I sound like a freaking chick! I sat up straight in my bed and put my head in my hands. “I can’t believe it…I’m in love.” I exhaled deeply and climbed out of bed, putting on a shirt and tennis. I had to tell him. It was the only way he would talk to me…hopefully.

        “I’m going out mom!” I called as I rushed out the door. “Be safe Blaine and be back before midnight!” “Yes mother!” called over my shoulder before closing the door and walking down the sidewalk. I now regretted my decision not to wear a jacket. I stuffed my hands into my pockets and hunched my shoulders against the oncoming winter wind.

        A few minutes later a shiver raced up my spine, and not from the cold. I was being followed. As discreetly as I could I looked around me. No one…were my senses playing jokes on me? If so…it was so NOT funny. I turned back to the front and froze. I took a few steps back. It was Vance, and he was kissing someone else.

        I felt my chest constrict and took a step back. How he hadn’t heard me I don’t know but I didn’t question it as I turned on my heel and ran down the street back towards my house. I didn’t get far before a small black shadow step into my path. I didn’t have time to stop. I ran headlong into the person who fell under my weight.

        “I-I’m so sorry, are you okay?” I looked down and froze. Glowing milk white eyes stared back at me, a smile painted on the deranged face causing me to shiver. I tried to pull back but whoever this was gripped onto be. “I’m perfectly fine now.”

        I felt the sharp pain in my stomach and screamed in pain. The sound was muffled as the person, now identified as a girl, covered my mouth with a thick black cloth. You’d think it had some kind of sedating liquid on it. Nope, just a black cloth. I felt myself begin to convulse into the person, dry heaving. “W-what have you done to me?”

        The girl laughed and threw me off her, only to get up and drag me behind an old abandoned building. “Well my dear vampire, I have injected you with a poison that could kill an elephant in an hour. It should only weaken you though, enough so that I can feast upon you.” Vampire? STUPID STEROTYPES!  I tried to voice that I wasn’t who she was looking for but the pain was literally killing me. I wasn’t a vampire or fully wolf until midnight.

        I was a human, and if this crap could kill and elephant in an hour…it could do so much worse to me. I tried my best to glare up at the girl but what met my eyes had me reeling back in disgust and fear. She had morphed into a spider-like monster. I tried to scoot back but she stood over me and glared. “You’re not the one I’ve been looking for!” “R-really? I h-hadn’t noticed.” I panted trying to move. She made an animalistic growling sound and I froze. “You’ll have to do then. I’ll get the vampire on my next hunt.”

        Fear streaked through me. This thing was going to eat me and I could nothing about it. She bore her fangs that were dripping with venom and lowered her head directly over my heart. This was it. I’d never tell Vance that I loved him or save the Vampire race. I felt bad about it, but I guess something good has to come out of this. I closed my eyes as her teeth sank into, only wishing I could see him one more time.

-Vance P.O.V-

        I pulled away from Chance as a white hot pain slammed into me. Chance took a step back. “I’m so sorry Vance.” Tears were leaking down his face. “The old abandoned building a mile from here, she’s killing him. You have to save him.” My eyes narrowed. “Who is ‘him’?” Chance dropped his head, shame wafting off of him. “Blaine.” My eyes widened but I didn’t question anything. I turned and ran towards the old building.

        I got there just as some huge mutated spider (Pic over there -à-à) thing sunk its teeth into Blaine. “No!” It’s head snapped up and around at the sound of my voice, causing two fountains of blood to spurt from Blaine’s chest. That did it. I saw black. I launched at the thing, breaking all its walking limbs and neck. But seeing as it was something of the Supernatural it still lived. I bit into its neck, inserting just enough venom to keep it paralyzed for life before it vanished.

        My attention turned back to Blaine who was looking at me with half lidded eyes, blood still pouring from his chest. I was at his side in an instant. “Blaine, oh Blaine I’m so sorry. I should’ve known it was a trap.” A faint smile graced his lips. “I love you.”

        My breath caught. It had taken all of this for him to tell me he loved me. I took him into my arms. “I love you too.” Slowly his eyes closed and a tear slid down my face and onto his chest. “Thank you for saving my people.”  His heart stopped and I felt myself break. What was I without my mate?

-Third Person P.O.V-

        Vance laid down with his mate and held him close. He didn’t want to be without him, he couldn’t be without him. He closed his eyes and at the stroke of midnight his soul left him. That day marked the greatest day in Vampire and Werewolf History. They had died together, only to be together again.

-July, 9 months later-

        A baby was born to a great vampire family on September 1st 2013.The baby had a full head of violet hair and haunting blue eyes. He was a beauty to behold. They named him Flynn.

-Two months after that-

        To a small werewolf family a pup was born on November 25th 2013. He had silver hair and fiery red eyes. He was the cutest pup ever to roam the land. They named him Robin.

Hey guys! How’d you like this chapter? There is one more chapter before Crossing Breeds is over!  I really REALLY wanna know what you guys think of this chapter though so….drop a comment? A private message? Please? TTFN! Ta ta for now!

<3 Kittie  

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