Crossing Breeds Chapter 3

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-Blaine’s P.O.V-

        I felt something cool rest against my forehead and groaned at the sick feeling I felt in my stomach. “Blaine? Are you awake?” “No mom.” “Oh…call me when you are then.” I felt her get up and I sighed. My mom was such a ditz when someone’s sick. I reached out and grabbed her wrist. “Mom, I’m up.”

        “Oh good, we were so worried. How do you feel?” she asked and I felt the coolness again as well as the sick feeling. “Depends, what color is my skin?” “Green.” “Then I feel horrible. What happened?” I asked opening my eyes slightly. “We don’t know, you showed up like this two days ago.”

        I’ve been out for two days? Lucky me it’s the weekend. Note sarcasm.  I groaned. “Can you remember what happened?” she asked worriedly. Hell yeah I could. Kristella did something to me. Just what…I couldn’t remember. “No mom, I can’t.” I hated lying to her, I really did. But she will remain in the dark until I know what the hell is going on.

-Vance P.O.V-

        I rolled my eyes. I should’ve said no. This girl was killing me with her horrible flirtations! “Vance, did you hear me?” “Uh, yeah. I can’t go, I’ve prearranged plans.” Kristella pouted. “I’m sure you can cancel them Vance.” “I don’t want to Kristella.” It was Monday morning and I had gotten to school early, as had Kristella, much to the annoyance that is mine.

        I heard rapid footsteps and looked up. Blaine was running this way with murder written on his face. Did it just get hot in here, or is it that a sexy wolf coming my way? “Kristella!” She jumped at her name being yelled and looked around. When her eyes landed on Blaine she turned in the opposite direction and tore down the hall. “Get back here!” Blaine yelled running after her.

        Not one to be left behind I ran after them. I wanted to know what was going on too. It may have something to do with Blaine getting sick. I skidded to a stop at a dead end where I saw Blaine banging on the walls, but no Kristella. She was…gone.  What the feck is going on here? “Damnit!” “Blaine…” I saw him tense and he turned to face me slowly. “Yes Vance?”

        I hesitated. “How are you feeling?” He turned to face me fully. “I feel fine…thank you.” “Blaine…” “No small talk Vance. What do you want?” “I need to tell you something…” “It can wait Vance.” He tried to brush past me but I caught his arm. “No Blaine, we talk now.” Blaine glared at me. One thing wolves hated was to be bossed around and I guess I over stepped my boundaries.

        “Let me go Vance.” I pushed him up against a locker. “We will talk Blaine.” He rolled his eyes. “Vance, I’m not in the mood right now. Please, let me go.” His voice had gotten lighter, softer, and sleepier. “Blaine?” I heard a soft snore. He…he’s asleep? I pulled him closer to me, wrapping his much smaller body in my arms, and inhaled his scent. He was sick, but he still smelt as if he belonged in a forest bakery. Pine trees and macadamia nut cookies.

        I buried my nose in his hair and inhaled deeply. I pulled away and kissed his forehead. “I’ll protect you Blaine, I give you my word.” I’m not sure if I was hearing things but I thought I heard him whisper, “I’ll hold you to that.”

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