Crossing Breeds Chapter 11

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OKay guys, I really enjoyed writing this chapter and I hope you guys like it!!!! :D

Third Person P.O.V

                Vance thought hard about what he was going to tell Blaine. How does one tell someone that they must be one in Mind, Body and Soul? Vance wasn’t as in tune with his feminine side as some may think he was. He and Blaine were already one in Mind. That happened when he agreed to help. To become one in Body was simple. Sex with Blaine would be amazing.

                But to be one in Soul? They had to be in love. Vance was halfway there but whatever happened to Blaine in the past was keeping him from loving Vance. Vance looked across the lunch room at Blaine who was eating with Trevor. He looked happy and Vance felt a longing in him. He wanted to put that carefree smile on Blaine’s face.

Blaine felt eyes on him and met Vance’s gaze head on. There was emotion in his eyes and Blaine cocked his head to the side, studying it. It looked like pained longing. Blaine offered Vance a smile that vanquished some of the emotion in his eyes.

        Vance stood from where he was seated and walked over to the table where Blaine sat. “Blaine? Blaine? What are you…hot damn your boyfriend’s sexy.” Trevor said once he turned around to see what had Blaine’s eyes glistering. When Vance got to their table he looked uncertain. “Blaine…what makes you happy?”

        Both Blaine and Trevor’s eyes widened in surprise. “Why?” Blaine asked a bit skeptic. “I…I want to make you happy. Make you smile like this guy does. But I don’t know how.” Vance looked like a lost puppy. How ironic. Blaine sat back in his seat and studied Vance’s face. “You wanna know what makes me happy Vance?” Vance nodded his head dynamically. “I like it when people are real with me. Can you be real with me?”

Vance swallowed. “I can be real with you if it would make you happy.” Blaine hid a smile. “So, are you goanna tell me what you’re keeping from me?” I walked right into that one. Vance thought with a barely noticeable wince. “I will, but not here.” “I want your word on it.” Vance lifted a brow. “You want to make me happy don’t you?” Blaine taunted. Vance sighed.

“I, Vance Finnick RiverStarr, give you, Blaine Chance Furia, my word that I will tell you what I’m keeping from you on the eve of today.” Vance held out his hand and Blaine stood. They clasped forearms and bowed over their joined hands.

“I, Blaine Chance Furia, take you, Vance Finnick RiverStarr, up on your word. This eve we shall meet on your turf. Agreed?” “Agreed.” Vance hesitated then pulled Blaine to his chest and planted a soft kiss on his lips. Blaine uttered a sound of surprise then a low hum in the back of his throat signaled his compliance.

“This is so touching.” Trevor said brushing away a fake tear at the scene. Vance pulled away and rested his forehead on Blaine’s. “I don’t know what it is you do to me, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Blaine snorted. “Can you get any cheesier?” “Give me five minutes with you in my arms and I can definitely get cheesier.”

Blaine chuckled softly. “There now, you’ve gone and made me smile.” Vance grinned then sobered up. “Do…do you remember what happened yesterday?” Blaine looked up at him. “I have a faint remembrance and I’d like to keep it that way until further notice.” Vance nodded his understanding then pulled away.

“So I guess I’ll see you later then?” Blaine nodded. “I’ll come to your place. Just give me some directions later hm?” Vance nodded then turned to see a crowd had grown. He lifted a brow. “Can I help you?” Everyone went back to what they were doing. Except Dwayne who was hiding laughter.

“What?” Vance asked as he sat back with his brother like friend. “Dude, you are so whipped!”

-That Night-

                Vance was sitting in his basement room reading a book that would make a lesser vampire tremble in fear. He read the last few words in the chapter out loud. “The creature crept silently behind its unsuspecting victim, blood dripping from its mouth, hate in its eyes.

                As it was about to attack, something more fearsome was closing in on it. The creature felt something was following it. It turned and there was nothing there. Where the hell did it go?” Vance turned around, just to make sure, and let out a high pitched scream.

      Blaine stared for a moment then doubled over in laughter. Vance glared at Blaine. “That was not funny.” “Says the boy who screams like a little girl.” Blaine retorted between laughs.

                Vance glared. “I’m all man, all the time.” “Oh, I beg to differ.” Blaine snickered. Vance’s’ eyebrow twitched. “I’ll prove it.” Blaine sobered up. “And how are you goanna do that?” “With a little game of I show you mine, you show me yours.


<3 Kittie

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