Crossing Breeds Chapyer 4

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Very short chapter, i think they call this a filler......not sure but here ya go! rate,comment, enjoy!!! PEACE LOVE AND CHOCOLATE BARS BIGGER THAN YOUR HEAD!!!

-Third Person P.O.V-

        When Blaine woke up the first thing he saw was \

a bright blue roof and heard people talking around him. He closed his eyes again, keeping his breathing even. “Injected? For what and by whom?” Blaine held back a groan. “I do not know, but it’s important that you keep an extra special eye out for him.” Blaine snorted. “Look, I don’t know who you are but I’m perfectly capable of looking out for myself.”

        Another snort. “Oh really? Then why the hell were you injected with the venom of a Blue Ringed Octopus?” Blaine’s eyes shot open and he bolted into a sitting position. “What? Wait…” Blaine looked around and found he was surrounded by vampires…in their territory. Shit.

-Blaine’s P.O.V-

I felt myself tense up. “Relax Mr. Furia, we only offer you help.” a very well aged vampire said. “Who the hell are you?” I felt a hand rest on my shoulder and tensed even more. “Chill out Blaine.” I relaxed slightly, but only because it was Vance…someone I didn’t trust, but someone I knew.

“Why am I here Vance?” I asked not taking my eyes from the unknown vampires. “Remember when I told you I had something to tell you?” I nodded. “I think now is the time to tell you.” “Yeah, I think it is…but about that injection…” “You are immortal therefore the venom can’t kill you as it can a human.” “Um…I’m not exactly immortal. The only thing I have right now is super strength. The pack my father came from was very…different from most packs.

“I don’t gain immortality until I’m 18, the age of a man.” “Well isn’t that sad…we gave you an injection that will fight off the poison just in case. So you are safe.” I sighed in relief the tensed again. “Why are you helping me? Aren’t we supposed to be…mortal enemies?”

The hand on my shoulder tightened. “Let’s go Blaine; we have a lot to talk about.” I flung my legs over the side of the cot I was laying on. “Hell yeah we do.”

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