Crossing Breeds Chapter 8

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-Roman/Chance P.O.V-

        I stepped into the early afternoon breeze and inhaled deeply. The clean fresh air did nothing to the torment I felt inside. I hated what I did. I hated that my parents were so desperate they sold my soul to the devil. But what I hated the most; was the lives that I had ruined. And now I’m doing it again…and getting in the way of many innocent lives in the process.

        I hated myself for it. My Mistress hasn’t yet told me what she wants with Blaine but it can’t be good. She’d once had me get a man naked only to feed on his soul while his wife and children watched. I shivered at the memory and looked around me. I had no clue as to where I was going so I tapped into Blaine’s brain and picked out the directions to his home.

        I pictured Vance in my mind and smiled. If I could have someone as devoted to me as he is to Blaine I could die a happy Incusite. Half incubus, half parasite. I feed off sex, but I need a host to live. Crappy life the one I lead. Maybe one day I’d lead a life where I didn’t need a host, but until then I’d have to deal.

        I stopped across the street from Blaine’s quaint little home. I hid myself behind a tree and slowly let Blaine come to the forward, taking his memory of me as well as some of his hate and animosity towards Vance with me. It’s the least I could do seeing as I would soon ruin his life.

-The next day at school-Third Person P.O.V-

        Vance had his hands shoved seep into his pockets as he made his way down the crowded hall. He was thinking about what had happened yesterday. Would Blaine remember any of it? Would he talk to him if he did? Would he talk to him anyway?

-Vance P.O.V-

        “Vance!” My head snapped up and to the left as I heard my name. My jaw dropped at the person who was rushing towards me with a shy smile on his face. Guess that answers that question. I thought as I turned to fully face Blaine, as did a number of people who were aware of our dislike of each other. Well… his dislike of me.

        The hall quieted as he stopped just before me and started playing with his bag strap. “Yes?” I asked. He looked me directly in the eyes. “I thought about what you told me yesterday and…” He averted his gaze and a light blush crept up his neck and to his cheeks. I crossed my arms over my chest. “And?” I prompted. He took a deep breath and looked at me again. “I’ll help you…I don’t want to but…I don’t want to be responsible for the dying out of a whole race. No matter what they’ve done to me.”

        I smiled so wide that my cheeks hurt. “You’d really do that?” I asked. He looked away and blushed brighter red while nodding his head. My smile turned into a smirk and I stepped closer to him. “You do realize that this means you belong to me right?” He looked at me with red eyes and a smirk of his own…or of Chances. “I realize that perfectly.” My eyes widened and Blaine took that moment of shock to pull me down to his level and plant a hard short kiss on my mouth.

Whether it was Blaine or Chance I didn’t know because before I could respond he turned and left. I stared after him. You’d better hope that was Blaine. And if I wanted it to be Chance? You in some deep shit playa. I’m going to have to ask you to leave. No answer. I shook my head and took in some of the shocked faces. “What? You guys didn’t think I was straight did you?” With that I turned and made my way to the gym for P.E.

TTFN! Ta ta for now!

<3 Kittie

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