8- Mike Short For Michael

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I could feel the cold night wind start a disagreement with my hair. It was flying every which way, making it harder to see where I was running to.

Sprinting in what I assume to be North direction, I felt my legs start to get tired.

I don't know how long I've been running for, I just know that I don't want to stop and look behind me in fear of them standing there.

Finally I gave in and slowed to a stop near a dumpster, leaning against it to regain my breath.

I looked behind me to see nobody there and let out a sigh of relief.

That's when my ears started to listen in on my surroundings and I heard it.

Muffled cries coming from... Inside the dumpster?

My instincts wanting to kick in and run as someone or something crying couldn't be good but.. Something (probably curiosity) led me to open the bin up.

What I saw made me horrified.

A small child, no older than five years old (maybe six), was inside wearing a yellow jacket like the ones at the camp, and bruises lined all the way up his body.

If he was five years old then he must of been really young when taken away from his parents? Poor child.

I felt my heart ache.

I couldn't imagine what life would have been like if my parents hadn't off stick by me until I was thirteen.

I carefully lifted out the child, (making sure to avoid skin contact) and set him on the ground beside me.

"Hi. What's your name big man?" I asked him, crouching down to look him in the eyes.

I received frighten looks in return while he tried to back away.

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm not going to hurt you." I saw him tense up a little before scooting closer to me. I hadn't even realised that he'd sat down at some point.

I took this as an indicator to sit down as well, crossing my legs like at circle time in nursery.

"Okay, I'll go first. My name is Tommy. Uh Tommy Simons." I don't know why I lied. I think I just want to leave everything that I ever had behind and start again. Starting fresh one could say.

He opened his mouth to say something back, presumably his name, but nothing came out.

He looked greatly upset by this and I felt my heart twist even more.

"That's okay if you can't talk! I can call you Mike short for Michael, is that a nice name?"

He nodded his head eagerly with a smile on his face.

"Okay then Mike, how old are you?" I asked him, starting with the easy questions.

He held up five fingers and I swallowed down the hatred for the camps and gave him a small smile.

"That's so cool big man! I'm sixteen!" I added, well I think so anyways. I know that it has been three years since I went into camp and I was thirteen at the time, I don't know the exact date right now but judging by the cold air and twinkles of snow, I think it's Winter. December, January maybe?

He nodded his head to show that he heard what I said with the biggest smile on his face.

In a way I was proud. Proud that someone like me could bring that big adorable smile onto a small being who is in a bad time.

"Do you want to accompany me on my journey big man?" I asked him, I had no idea where I was going to go or what I was going to do but every part of my mind told me that I needed to protect Michael.

And so protect Michael I will.


Sorry no uploads recently, I'm sick. I managed to write this short one for you! :D

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