37: Ultron

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Tony frantically messed with his phone as the video began to play. "Jarvis?" He called out to the A.I. I just stared at it with everyone else. It was the mission at the hotel Inessa. It showed me fighting alongside Bucky. I stopped breathing as the video continued. Showing everyone one of my many kills with Hydra.

Everyone looked over at me with concern and pity in their eyes. I caught my breath as Steve grabbed my hand. Knowing the guilt I held with each and every person I killed while with Hydra. Knowing the pain I felt loosing myself each and everyday there trying to protect Bucky.

"You're all killers." The robot said.

"Stark." Steve called out to him, as the video began to play again. Steve pulled me away as everyone stopped watching. Forcing me not to watch it again.

"Jarvis." Tony called out again to him but no answer.

"I'm sorry, I was asleep." The thing continued. I just watched it limp around. The anger beginning to boil in my blood. "Or it was a dream. There was this terrible noise. And I was tangle in...strings."

We all just stayed silent as we tried to process what was going on. This was one of Tony's suits. One he built to help when needed.

"I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy." The robot said.

We all looked at each other concerned. This was an empty room for a while now. Who did he kill?

"You killed someone?" Steve asked, keeping his stern face forward.

"Wouldn't have been my first call. But, down in the real world, we're face with ugly choices. She knows better then all of us, don't you Layla Black."

I didn't say anything. I didn't dare. I just tried to breath. Why was this thing pointing me out specifically? I felt Steve pull me back, making sure he stood between me and the robot.

"Who sent you?" Thor asked, walking up as well to block me from from him as well.

The thing paused before a recording on Tony's voice began play.

"I see a suit of armor around the world."

I turned to Tony. Realizing this thing was created by him. My mind began to race. How did he get that video of me? I had only seen one person have it. When I came back and remembered I made sure it was whipped wherever I could find it.

"Ultron." Bruce called out, looking over at Tony.

Ultron flinched, his mangled head looking up, reacting to his name.

"In the flesh." He said before correcting himself, "or no, not yet. Not this chrysalis. But I'm ready. I'm on mission."

I began to shift. Crouching down slowly as Ultron just looked at himself. I reached my hand under the table. Feeling for the gun that I kept hidden there. I quickly grabbed it and slowly stood back up.

"What mission?" Nat asked.

"Peace in out time. Starting with destroying a big threat." Ultron said. He tilted his head a bit, "First, Layla Black. Then the Avengers."

Suddenly, all of Tony's Iron Legion crashed through the walls. One came right for me. Steve quickly kicked up the table, using it to shield himself. The legion crashed into it, pushing us both back as it collided with us.

We both fell onto our backs as I quickly brought my gun up and began shooting at it. It flew off, going after the others. I took a deep breath as Steve looked at me concerned.

"I knew I should've stayed home." I groaned as I stood back up.

"Get somewhere safe. I'll deal with them." He said as I nodded. I watched him run up to one and jump onto it. I quickly ran to the bar and ducked behind it with Nat and Bruce. We both poked our heads up, shooting at them one by one. Nat looked over at me as I nodded.

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