Chapter Two

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I avoid everyone for the rest of the day. I wasn’t really in the mood to talk to anyone let alone be around them. Unfortunately for me, I had to lead a cheer practice. I was really upset today and usually for the first day of school we take it easy at practice but the workouts, oddly enough, calm me.

“Sorry, I’m late.” I growled out setting my bag down by the door not even bothering to change yet. “Today we're just going to talk about fundamentals and the tryouts on Friday.” I nodded handing out the flyers I made up yesterday.

“How many new people are we going to get?” Violet asked, flipping her curly blonde hair over her shoulder, a scowl on her face.

I shrugged, trying desperately not to snap at her, God she’s annoying as hell and she was also one of my so called ‘friends’. “We only have two spots open right now but we’ll take as many as we can get, prepare them if we need a stand in.”

“Cool.” she sighed sarcastically, showing me it was anything but.

“Everyone was handed a stack of flyers, yes?” I asked and they all nodded, “Good, now put them up around school, that’s all I got today. You’re all dismissed.”

I went over to my bag, picking it up leaving the rest of the squad behind as I went into the locker rooms to change. Once I was dressed appropriately I made my way back into the gym. I stretched for ten minutes before I turned on the music and started walking around trying to come up with some new choreography. I listened to the words and once something popped into my head I started the song over and just went with it. The song was a little slow for a cheer competition but for ballet it was just perfect.

My body moved to the music, making sure to keep good form as I turned. “Keep your shoulders down..” My old dance teacher’s scratchy voice filled my head, “Point your toes.” “Show emotion.” “Just stop trying and give up.”

I felt my eyes water as I finished my last spin and the music slowly faded out. I heard shuffling from the bleachers and I looked up my eyes widening. “Pax?” I whispered. “What are you doing in here?” I shouted up to him.

He leaned against the railing, smirking, “I was looking for Sydney. She told me she’d be in here.”

“Well obviously she’s not.” I snapped crossing my arms over my chest.

“I can see that.” He sighed but still looked at me. “Why are you in here alone?”

“Practice is over for today.” I growled fast walking to my bag where my phone was ringing.  I saw my dad’s name pop up on the screen and I sighed wearily flipping it open.

“Hey dad.” I tried to sound cheerfully when really the sound of his voice creeped me out. He wasn’t the same father I grew up with. I think of Charlie, my stepfather, as more of a father than this man.

“Hey Emmy,” He greeted me, using his nickname from forever ago. “I was wondering if you needed a ride home? I’m out front.”

“Uh,” I looked at the clock and then my eyes flickered over to Pax who had a blank expression his face, “yeah sure. I’ll be just a minute.” I hung up and grabbed my bag, throwing it over my shoulder and looked over at Pax.

“What? You’re rich daddy coming to save you?” Pax questioned coldly.

I flinched from his tone and quickly shook my head, hopeful covering up that his tone hurt. “Something like that.” I muttered walking out of the gym and towards the front doors.

You Promised Me ForeverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora