Chapter Four

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Keep going. You can do this. I chanted every time my shoes hit the pavement. I have already ran four miles and I was going for five today.

When I saw my house come into view I sighed and continued to push myself all the way to the gate. “Hey kiddo, good run?” Benji smiled.

I nodded and ran up the driveway to the door.  Pen didn’t greet me as usual and I was a little relieved I just wanted to sneak up to my room and sit in there for the rest of the weekend.

I showered and was throwing on my sweats when my phone ran. Violet. “Hey Vi, what’s up?”

“We’re going out. It’s already decided, meet us at Rosie’s.”

I groaned internally, “Sure thing.”

“Great.” She chirped and I hung up. Groaning again I walked back into my closet and changed. Once I was dressed with my hair and makeup done, I looked in the mirror. I sighed rolling my eyes grabbing my phone and running down the stairs. I grabbed my keys that were on the hook and noticed that Charlie’s keys were still missing, I guess they’re out again.

I felt lonely, which is what I felt every moment of the day.  

I started my car and drove to Rosie’s with only the music playing softly. In all honesty I was surprised I made it alive. I ended up drifting off, daydreaming. Opening the door to Rosie’s I was hit with the smell of fresh pastries and coffee, I loved it. This used to be mine and Pax’s favorite spot to hang out. His dad knew the owner so we got free things all the time.

“Emily! Over here.” Violet called from across the small shop. I gave her a small smile as my face heated up and I rushed over to her.

“Settle down.” I laughed sitting across from her, “did you order?”

“No, not yet. I was waiting for you.” I nodded and looked around. The place looked older but modern as well it was a great mix. I saw the counter where Pax and I spent hours bugging Hugo, the son of Rosie, he was older than us by a few years and would always make fun of us for being best friends.  He graduated and moved away a few years ago, I missed him and I missed Pax. I missed everything from when I was younger.

My eyes shifted to the booth in the corner which is where we also spent quality time, we did ‘homework’ there, which consisted of reading our chapter books in the first grade, working on science projects in the third grade, our family trees in the fifth and the social project where we promised we’d travel the world together after high school.

I smiled remembering and snapped back to my name being called. “Emily? Are you okay?” Violet asked.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts, “Yeah?”

“What do you want?” She smiled shifting her eyes from me to the waiter.

“Uh, hot chocolate with extra chocolate and a cinnamon roll with extra frosting.” I ordered without a hesitation before I looked up and gasped.“Pax? You work here?” His black hair was in his eyes and he was wearing a similar uniform we used to make fun of Hugo for wearing.

He simply nodded and walked away. I sighed and tried to settle my now racing heart, what is it with him and making me go crazy? He was back quickly and set down Violet’s latte with a flirtatious wink before he set mine down in front of me, without meeting my eyes.

“Can I get you anything else?” He asked her. My heart crushed in my chest, he was flirting with her.

She giggled twirling her hair, “You could give me your number.”

You Promised Me ForeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora