Chapter Seven

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“You can’t stop me now...” I hummed as I jogged down the stairs. Doing a little dance at the bottom, I couldn’t help but grin. I was alone in the house, again, so I could do whatever I wanted.

My hair was in a perfect ballet bun and my yoga pants went to a little past the knee with a white tee on top. I had ballet practice this evening and after a difficult day at school with avoiding Robbie, a surprise Calc test, and getting an essay that was due Friday, I could really use this to let out all the stress.

I drove to the studio that Charlie owned and climbed out, grabbing my bag from the back I ran inside.  Inside I changed into my tights and started the music.

Doing ballet was comforting and also familiar. I've loved dancing since I was little and was always doing it. Pax used to make fun of me for dancing and I almost stopped doing it all together. I did, for a time, stop. But after Pax and and I stopped talking, I found that dancing helped me.

After an hour of practicing I finally packed it in and went home. On my way I stopped at Rosie's. Mostly because I was craving to talk with Pax and I haven't for three days now, it was Thursday. Also I really wanted a cinnamon roll and hot chocolate. Hopping out I saw Pax’s car in the parking lot a smile lit up my face. He was here.

The bell above the door rang out thru the little cafe, announcing my arrival.  To my surprise Rosie’s was close to empty, apart from a guy sitting at a booth reading a newspaper, it was dead. I shut the door behind me and made my way to the counter. As I stood there I waited for him to make an appearance and when he didn’t I sighed and rang the bell.

“I’ll be there in a minute.” Came an instant response but it wasn’t his voice. “What can I get for you?” Hugo asked wiping his hands on a towel. “Ah I was wondering when I’d see you again. The usual?”

I nodded, too shocked to speak. Hugo had grown good. He used to be a nerdy boy with glasses and stringy hair. I used to laugh at him, I used to make fun of him for being a nerd, we all did. But now, he’ I’d never thought I’d ever say that. Weird. He had a buzz cut, but a little longer, and no glasses so his green eyes were striking and a stunning smile.

He was hot I’ll admit but all I could do was compare him to Pax. Pax has always been who I compared every guy too, even Robbie! Pax had a way he held himself that made my heart race, the way he cocked his head when he was bored... I shook my head. I thought I’d gotten rid of these feelings years ago, I’m talking four five years ago.

“Here you go, Em.” He interrupted my thoughts. I smiled and took the bag and cup he handed me, “You alright? You seem a little distant.”

“I’m fine.” I assured him, “Thanks.”

“It was good seeing you again Emily.” He waved.

“You too Hugo.” I nodded and backed out. The bell above the door rang again and I turned to face the car lot. I stopped in my tracks and stared at Pax leaning over his car as he fixed something in the hood.

Taking a deep breath I pushed myself to walk up to him. “Hey.”

“Shit.” He cursed raising his head, hitting it on the hood. He rubbed his head with a slight glare in my direction. I smiled and tried to hold in my laughter. “Don’t do that, can’t you see I’m working?”

“Sorry.” I apologized softly, “I just wanted to ask if you needed any help.”

He raised his eyebrows, questioning me, “You know how to fix cars?”

“No.” I told him biting my lip and then quickly added, “But I could drive you somewhere, your house?”

Pax shook his head and then leaned over the car again as he began fiddling with something. “Damn it.” He cursed frustrated.

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