Chapter Twenty Three

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I sighed crossing my legs as I waited for the music to start up. I was in the ballet studio practicing my routine, totally oblivious to anything around me. I was sweating by the end of the song and I waited to start the next one but was interrupted.

“You’re an amazing dancer.” Pax smiled making his way into the small room.

“Hey, uh thanks.” I muttered and grabbed my towel, dabbing my forehead and then taking a drink from my water bottle.

“I’m glad you didn’t stop when I made fun of you when we were younger.” He laughed.

I smiled, “I did, for a while.”

“When?” He asked clearly taken aback.

“Freshman year.” I looked down at my water bottle before I put it back on the floor and then smiled up at him, “I started almost as soon as I stopped though, I loved it too much to quit.”

Pax nodded, “I’m glad.” He smiled back.

“Me too.” I agreed.

The music started suddenly and I rushed to turn it off. “So, what can I do for you?” I questioned, making my way back to him.

“I have to ask you something.” He shrugged, not meeting my eyes. Confused I stared at him until he finally looked at me. I nodded at him to continue and he drew in a breath. “Well I just thought, you know, it’s been like what, four months?”

I laughed, “Since…” I trailed off, “Yeah.” I nodded.

“Good. Good.” He nodded, “Well not good for...but you what I mean, right?”

“Yeah.” I smiled. “I get it. But, uh where are you going with this?”

“Right, where am I going with this?” He seemed to question himself and I bit my lip. He looked beyond adorable with how nervous he looked. I mean he was fumbling with his words and forgetting things. For Pax this was a big deal, he’s always so confident and knew just what to say, so this was new.

“I’ll just come out and ask then.” He muttered, his hand going to the back of his head as he rubbed his hair nervously. “Will you be my girlfriend?”

I stared at him, my mouth gaping open in surprise. “What?” I managed softly.

“Emmy, I want us to be official.”

“You and I? Me and you? Together?”

He nodded, “That was the idea, yes. But I mean, we don’t have too.” He shook his head before he looked away from me, he wouldn’t look at me again.

“No. I mean yes.” I shook my head and sighed with a smile. “I meant to say no we do have too. I want us to be official too.”

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