Chapter Six

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I couldn’t be bothered to wake up by my alarm so I slept in a little later than expected and when I finally did wake up I had a pounding headache. I took some pills and then climbed the stairs to my room silently. When I stumbled into my bed my phone began ringing from across the room. I groaned and snuggled into my pillow deeper, hopefully it would stop soon and when it didn’t I got up annoyed.

“Hello?” I asked into the phone placing a hand over my eyes to shield them from the light that was pouring through the windows. Why was it so bright? Why couldn’t it be dark forever?

“Emily?” Robbie’s familiar voice answered back. “Are you coming because I’ve got to get to school. One more tardy and my dad will ship me off to Military school.”

Good, I thought. “Uh give me five minutes.” I agreed and started shuffling around my room to get something to wear. I ended up wearing jeans and a sweater, shaking out my hair I decided it was good enough for the day. Grabbing my bag off my desk I ran out of the house and hopped into Robbie’s car.

“Hey.” I greeted him squinting as my head throbbed worse than before. “Sorry I overslept.”

“What are you wearing?” Robbie asked with wide eyes. “You can’t go to school like that. Think about your reputation, think about mine. You can’t wear that.”

“What am I suppose to do? Change?” I retorted. Robbie gave a sharp nod and I clenched my fists. “You know what? I like dressing like this. I don’t give a damn about my reputation and I sure as hell don’t care about yours!”

“Bitch.” Robbie growled under his breath but I still heard him.

“Oh really?!” I shouted, ugh I so wasn’t in the mood. “Fuck you.”I growled opening the car door and slamming it shut. I saw Robbie shaking his head in anger as he stepped on the gas peddle and shot forward down my driveway.

Grumbling I made my way to  my car and hopped in, driving myself to school.

“There you are! Did you and Robbie have a fight? He was pissed when I tried to ask him where you were.” Chelsea greeted as soon as I got out of the car. “Whoa, are you wearing...”

“Jeans. Yes. Are you going to give me shit for them too because I’m really not in the mood.”  I asked while rolling my eyes and slamming my car door, gentler then when I slammed Robbie’s.  

“No, not at all!” She offered quickly, “it’s just I’ve never seen you in them, that’s all.”

I took a deep breath, maybe I was blowing this out of proportion. I shouldn’t have drank last night, I feel like shit and now I was taking it out on Chelsea. “Sorry. I’m just not feeling good today.”

Chelsea smiled and nodded, “I figured. How was last night?”

“What?” I stared at her with wide eyes, how did she know?

“Oh come on I can tell you’re hung over.” She smirked grabbing my arm as the bell rang through the parking lot.

“You can?” I questioned suddenly self conscious.

“Yeah, it’s a gift.” She nodded,  “I don’t think anyone else can tell you’re hung over but they will be staring at you because you’re wearing jeans.”

I really should have thought through this whole wearing jeans thing. I mean not only do I have a massive hangover but I’m also going to be harassed by people questioning my choice in clothing. Great.

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