Chapter Seventeen

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The painful screams of my mother rang through the hallway, even with the door to her room closed as tightly as possible. It must have been deafening in the room. My mother was crazy and decided that she wanted to have a ‘natural’ birth, well as natural as you can get with being induced.

Nate was sitting next to me just typing away on his phone while I winced from hearing another scream come from my mother.

“I wish she’d get the epidural. I hate hearing her scream in pain.” I sighed looking over at the door.

“Me too.” He told me but didn’t look up at all, “It sounds like it really hurts.”

I nodded to agree with him, “Did your mom have one with Kailey?” I questioned him to try to get my mind off things.

He sighed finally looking over at me as he shrugged, “I don’t know. My mom didn’t want me anywhere near the hospital.”

“Oh.” I sighed, feeling a little upset. Nate was a good guy he was just severely  misunderstood. He didn’t deserve the way his mother treated him, he didn’t deserve how poorly everyone treated him in general. “I found out I have a sister.”

“What? When?” He asked confused.

“The night before we left for Paris.” I told him and I felt his stare on me. “I was upset so I drove to my dad’s where I met his wife and daughter, my sister.”

“Em that’s awful.” His voice was comforting as he placed an arm around my shoulders. “Are you okay?”

I nodded, “Yeah, I think. It was hard at first because I felt like my dad replaced us. Sure it’s been years but still.”

“It’s completely understandable to not be okay with it.”

“If I wasn’t it wouldn’t make a difference though, I mean what’s done is done.”

“You’re really strong Em.” He squeezed my shoulders once before removing his arm.

I laughed and shook my head, “Thanks, but I don’t think so.”

The hallway was unusually quiet, my mother had finally stopped screaming. I held my breath as I waited to hear the wail of a baby or the shriek of my mother again. I heard both. I let out a relieved sigh along with letting a grin slip onto my lips. She still sounded in pain but the baby was crying, so that was good at least.

The door opened and a doctor rushed out the baby in his hands. I stood up automaticly, my blood running cold as the doctor disappeared down the hall. I heard my mother whimpering in the room next to me, turning to see her on the hospital bed and the nurses rushing around told me that the baby wasn’t the one in trouble.

“Mom.” I whispered and I felt tears escape from my lids as I stared at her. She had pain etched on her face and all I could do was stare as the nurses ran around helping her. Charlie grabbed me around the waist once I got control of my body and decided to move. “Let me go!” I screamed as he pushed me out of the room. “Mom!”

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