Chapter One

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  It all started when I moved to Minnesota in The Month of October, that my whole life was about to change, & I was about to find out  who I was & am.  As I had made my way to Minnesota , to my Aunt Aria & Uncle Bob's two story house, which was by the forest; which they told me not to go into, after dark; as there were wolves that had been seen roaming into the city; & it was dangerous. As I had unpacked after going upstairs, in my room; I had gotten on my computer, & had begun writing my new book, that was going to be published within a month. As I had tried to come up with a title for my new book, I couldn't, so: I decided, despite the fact of it being three a.m., it was time for sleep, as I had decided I would look at the city, & what it had in store, tomorrow morning. As I had a dreamless sleep, I had heard, what sounded like a pack of wolves, that jolted me awake. As I had heard the haunting melody of what I thought of as wolves, I had  listened to the wolf's haunting melody, as I had fallen asleep. As I had awakened I had gotten dressed in my warmest clothing, as it seemed like it was a million degrees below, when in reality;  it was thirty degrees below, & snow had fallen; & while I had gotten my things together, then had gotten in the truck with my aunt & uncle, I could see my uncle's face change from a smile, to a frown; while I could see fresh big paw prints on the snow, not quite the size of a bear, but, much bigger than the average dog.  I had known that these were the paw prints of a wolf; or  a pack of wolves. "The wolves are back again." my uncle said.  While my aunt dropped off my uncle at his work place, I had seen a blue pick up truck behind us, as I had seen my cousin go to The Gyro Cafe', The Local Greek Bistro; where he would wait tables & take orders of the people that came into the restaurant, for lunch & dinner.  As I had seen the place where my aunt worked, I could see that there were local places, close & if not far, from where she worked, that I could go to.  "Diana, I want you back at my office, which is office three, upstairs; at four-thirty, as it starts to get dark around five to six p.m.." "Besides, we're going out to eat, tonight." my aunt told me, as; I said, "yes ma'm", while leaving The Lyon's Brothers' Law Firm Service, Waiting Room, to the local coffee shop, called The Minnesota Espresso. As I had gotten my things, had put them up in my seat, which was right beside a painting of a pack of wolves', running free; I had ordered me an Egg white & Spinach Breakfast Sandwich, along with an extra large Chai-Tea Latte', with Soy Milk & a nice creamy whipped topping; topped off with cinnamon; then, had sat down to enjoy my breakfast & my drink. 

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