Chapter Fourteen

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   As I had watched the hunters with their weapons & cages; I had waited until I had seen someone with a gun, with silver bullets, in the gun; & another man with a bow & arrow; watching Fenris, & then, had attacked the men; as, one of the men had heard me say very angrily, "my name is Diana, Daughter of The God Tyr; & you killed my mother, prepare to meet your fate."  As I had killed the man without any guilt & qualm, as; I had avenged my mother's death, as well as Fenris's  father's death, along with my father; who, I knew had still been sad about my mother, who was now in Valhalla. I had done what my father had been training me to do. As Fenris & I had killed almost all of the hunters, with ease & grace, one of the men had trapped an Angry Fenris, in a cage; as I had hidden, changing into my human form, while getting my sword, dagger, bow & arrows ready to kill the three remaining men. As I had hidden, I had obeyed my father's orders', as I had avoided being caught by the three remaining men; who were hunters & wanted to get rid of Fenris & my kind, forever.  As I had been able to kill mine & Fenris's enemies', one by one; I had seen Fenris in the silver cage, I had used my magic to release him.  While I had seen everyone watching me, I had been praised by Fenris, The Elders of The Wolf Pack, my grandparents', my aunt, my uncle, the gods, & my father; as they had seen what I had done, & the fact that I had stuck to the training my father had made me do, for over three to four weeks; the training I endured from five a.m., until seven p.m..  "Well done, Diana!" "We're so proud of you!" "You actually proved yourself to be a true leader of The Wolf's Bane Pack, also; you have proven yourself worthy to be a Daughter of Tyr." everyone had told me; as I had been asked by Odin what I wanted for thirtieth birthday, as, I had told him; "I would like to go to Valhalla to see my mother, & also; with your permission, as well as my father's; plus, The Wolf Pack Elder's permission, to marry Fenris; & become The Werewolf Queen of The North."  While The Wolf Pack Elders,  Odin, as well as my father, had told me that my every wish & desire would be granted; & that, I could marry Fenris, I was so excited, while jumping up & down for joy, like a small child would; when it came to getting a toy, ice cream, or some other object; that would make them happy. As I had seen Fenris  put his right paw on my right shoulder, he had told me: "welcome to The Wolf Bane Pack, my mate, no; my soulmate." 

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