Chapter Twelve

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   While I had felt a rather strange feeling, I could see Fenris beside me, I had been told by the strange man; who was actually a God of Old, Tyr, as a matter of fact; "I am Tyr; The God of War, Justice, Truth, & Wisdom; I am also your Real Father." Upon hearing what the man had to say, I had looked into the pool of water, that was next to me; from the rain, which now turned into snow, as I had felt snow falling down; I had put my tongue out, as, I had caught a single snowflake, on my tongue. While I had seen Fenris with snow on his fur, I had laughed; as I could see him shake off the snow on his grayish-black fur. "Oh, what's so funny?!" I heard Fenris ask, while he was not amused, while I had seen him roll his eyes; as my father had only shaken his head at my silliness.  While I told Fenris about me thinking that his fur being covered with snow, was funny; he only asked, "and, what, may I ask; is so funny about that?!" As I only said that I didn't know; Fenris had only sighed, while saying; "oh my gods, you're hilarious, & that is one of the reasons, that, I adore you, my love." Upon hearing  Fenris's words towards me, my father had asked, rather curious; yet, protectively, "so, you're The Mighty Fenris, The Werewolf King of The North?" "So, you're the one who made my daughter into a full-fledged female werewolf, huh?" Upon knowing that this man was my Real Father, he had said very humble-like, "yes sir." "Diana also asked for this, as she loves me, just as much as; I love her." While I could see my father's look of judgement towards Fenris, I had told my father; "I am about to be thirty years old, my birthday is in a few days."  As I could see the shocked look upon my father's ageless face, I had heard him tell me, "I can't believe it; after twenty-nine in a half years', I finally found you." "While I am glad to find you, I know you & Fenris have been having problems' with both; Witch & Monster Hunters', so, I'm here to help; as a father, as well as; The God of War." "I was told that you're a real witch, and werewolf."  As I was given my father's bow & arrow, he asked me, "do you know how to hunt, to survive; in Human Form?! While I had told him I was a Vegetarian, I could see a look of disapproval on my father's face, while he had asked me; if I had been trained in The Art of War, in case there was an emergency, while I had told him; "I have a knife, or dagger."  "I also have my magical powers., to protect me."  After I had shown my father my dagger, he had told me; "magic & a small dagger isn't going to be enough to defeat your foes, you're both going to need some serious training, my daughter; & his highness, Fenris." As I had sighed, I had heard my father tell Fenris & I, "your training begins in three days." "Also, I want you, Diana, to show me what you can do with weapons; such as a bow & arrow."  As I was given my father's bow & three arrows, I had seen a wooden target, as my father had told me; "show me what skills you have; as, I want you to shoot this wooden target." While I had relaxed, fixing my sights on the target; I had breathed out a sigh of relief, while shooting the arrow right onto the target, as, I was shocked; as well as, amazed; that I had gotten a perfect shot, on the target. 

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