Chapter Ten

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    I never knew how my grandparents', that raised me, were; as I hadn't written them; in a long time, not since I had started my career as a World Renowned Author; three years ago, after I had graduated from four years at my local university, whereas, I then; became a writer of Children's, Young Adult, Teen, & Adult Fiction, sticking to writing Sci-Fi, Fantasy, & The Paranormal; which are, have always been, & will always be my Favorite Book Genres', as a child, teen, Young Adult, & now, as an adult. As I had known who the men were, & I had known that they were after me, I had stayed quiet; as well as hidden, until I had seen Fenris, along with the warriors of our pack, fended off the men, &; I was told that I could come out from the den.  As we had all let out Howls of Victory, the men had left, petrified of Fenris; who had turned into a giant wolf, then, while seeing me scared; he had turned back into his Regular Sized Self, again.  After our howling, we had caught the attention of two elderly people, who looked just like Odin & Frigga; that had told Fenris who they were; as he had let them come into our Pack's Territory. While I had seen that the people who Fenris had allowed into our territory, were not a threat; I had gone out of the den, to meet these strange looking, yet familiar, people.  "Greetings, Lord Odin, & Lady Frigga."  "It is an honor to be in your presence." Fenris said, rather respectfully, as he had bowed his head down; as Odin had seen me, while saying, "see Frigga, my love; I told you our grand daughter would finally embrace her destiny."  While I had seen that the man was Odin, & the woman, Queen Frigga, I had bowed my head; while it dawned on me, that my grandparent's secret was finally revealed; as was mine.  "Grandfather, Grandmother, is that you?"  I asked, while noticing the tattoo on my grandfather's left arm; as well as the Beauty Mark, on my grandmother's face; as well as my grandfather's eye patch, on his left eye. While I had seen my grandmother see me turn back into my human form, she had asked me what was the matter, while I told her about my nightmares', & how I feel like i have had memories; from what could only be my past, she had told me the truth about myself; my true self, I was shocked; as I had seen my Unknown or Unseen Aunt Sif  & Uncle Thor, come to me. While I had learned that I was half werewolf, as my real mother was a female werewolf, & that I was a demi-goddess; as Tyr, The God of War, Truth, Judgement, & Wisdom, was my father; I almost had a major Panic Attack, as I had known that everything my Real grandparents' had told me, was true. 

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