Chapter Seven

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   As I had held my head, I swear I could hear voices in my head, & see people, along with werewolves; fighting, which really made me upset. "Are you okay, my friend?" Fenris asked, as I had told him, "it's just some stupid nightmare." "Nightmare, or is it that you remember something, some one; from your Forgotten Past?" Fenris asked, as I had remembered the potion, I made for myself; just in case, I needed it, so, as I had made sure no one was looking, I had dropped some of the potion, into my drink; while I had drank the potion, in my drink. As I could feel myself stop shape-shifting , I had relaxed, as Fenris had asked me what I was doing for Halloween; while I had told him, that I didn't know yet, & how I was going to be a Mad Female Scientist, for Halloween; as he had nodded in approval. As I had finished my drink, I had headed to the bookstore, while asking my new friend, if he wanted to tag  along; as he had composed himself, while saying, yes. As the two friends had gone to the bookstore, I swear I could see hooded men, like in my dream; as Fenris had growled, I had gotten the potion out, while saying; "here, drink this." As Fenris had drank the potion, I could see him return to human form, as I had grabbed my things, while heading upstairs; as Fenris followed very close behind me, as I had sat down, to write my book.  As I had begun to write, the flashbacks started up once again, as I had felt myself tense up, & my teeth growing into fangs; as I had drank the rest of my potion, while turning back into a young human woman, again.  While I was enjoyed Fenris's  company, I could see four cloaked figures, one with a wizard's hat on, as I had heard myself, as well as, Fenris growling.  "Wait!" "We come in peace." the wizard said, as he & his friends' had taken off their cloaks, while saying; "we are The Wizards of The Circle of Magicians, like Merlin; who started The Entire Circle of Magic." "We want to know if you two would be interested in going Trick-Or-Treating or doing something having to do with Halloween?" While Fenris  had noticed that the men were not a threat, he had said; "yes, we'd love to."  As I had said to my friend, that I'd have to ask my aunt, Fenris only said; "okay, but, if you can't go, don't expect me to share any of my candy with you."  While I had told the men that I'd have to ask my aunt, they only sighed, while saying; "fine." "I guess that's one less Trick-Or-Treater, this year."  "I remember the last one, last year, they were sacrificed to Fenris; The Werewolf King, in order to keep our town safe." As I had heard what the wizards' were talking about, I had gotten angry; while asking, "what happened to the said sacrifice?" "No one knows." "All I know is that Fenris is searching for a mate, & he will do anything to find said soulmate." "Also, I heard that he eats the sacrifices', because; before being ran out of the forest, I saw bones; close to the den." "Also, I swear, I could have seen Human Remains." The Head Wizard said, as Fenris  growled, "I would leave us alone: & stop telling lies, if I were you!" 

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