Chapter Six

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   While I had awakened to the sound of my alarm clock, on my phone, I could see that the sun was rising, while; I had changed back into my human form. When I had seen myself on all fours, I had seen that I had no idea what was going on with me, or what was about to happen in my life, that would change my life, & how I looked at the world; as well as myself. As I had gotten dressed, I had gotten my things, while; I had noticed that there were pieces of sushi, from last night's Dinner, in my room, which was very odd to me. Very odd, indeed, as I hadn't remembered taking the sushi out of the fridge; last night. As I had seen that my aunt was still asleep, I had put all of the sushi back into the fridge; hoping no one would come into my room, & notice the mess that I had made; that was before, I cleaned it up.  As I had finished getting dressed, while gathering my things, I had sworn that before Sunrise; I could hear something like a dog outside, whining; until, it had seen that I was up. I could swear that I had seen a wolf outside; watching me, as I had sworn that I was looking at my Newfound Love, my Secret Love; Fenris Wolf Bane. I had also sworn, that I actually turned into a female werewolf, last night; at three a.m., which, according to Old Word Beliefs', was known as The Witching Hour, which, I was a strong believer in. I was a strong believer in good & bad luck, as well as, The Supernatural, so; I wondered to myself, if I were really a female werewolf, & if I had really changed into a werewolf, as last night; was in fact; a beautiful full moon.  As I had gotten myself some breakfast, my aunt had woken up, while asking; I had slept well, last night, while I merely replied; lying to her, "yes, I slept very well." While I had gotten some Cream of Wheat, which I had tried for the first time, I had enjoyed it; while, I had gone to brush my teeth; then, after getting my things, I had gotten in the truck, with my aunt; while she had dropped my cousin off to work, & my aunt & I had gone to The Square, where; I had gone to the coffee shop, ordering a Chai-Latte', when I had met Fenris.  As I had told Fenris about my dream, he asked me, if I were really dreaming, or; if I really were a female werewolf. As I had told him what had happened, he had asked me; if I had known who my real parents' were, & what really happened to them. I was confused, yet a little upset at Fenris's  question, as I then; had a flashback of a couple holding a baby, while running out of the forest; as hooded men had chased them, until they had made it to The Minnesota Adoption Center, or The Orphanage; with the sleeping baby girl, as she was taken in by the lady who ran the Adoption Center, while the couple was long gone; as well as the hooded men, that had bloodstains' on their weapons, along with their cloaks. 

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