Chapter Fifteen

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   While the  men were all dead, both my family & Fenris's family had celebrated my thirtieth birthday, as well as our victory over the hunters who killed both our parents, then, tried to kill us.  As we all had celebrated throughout the day of my birthday, I had been given gifts from everyone, however, when my grandfather asked me to come with him on his horse, I happily obliged; as, I had seen that we were going into Valhalla. As I had seen The Golden Gates of Valhalla open, letting my grandfather & I  in, I had seen that we were in Valhalla. As I gotten off of his horse, my grandfather had blown his horn, while I had walked around Valhalla; until, I had found myself in The Halls of Valhalla, while I had seen my father with a Raven Black haired, brown eyed, skinny, tall, pale skinned, dressed like a Shield Maiden; drinking & being merry, for once, in thirty years.  As I had came up to my father, I could see that he & the strange lady, were drinking; while making out.  As I hadn't known that this lady was my own mother, I had became angry with my father; while he shot me a stern, sharp look, while I had apologized. "Oh Tyr, don't be so hard on Diana, she doesn't know who I am; as she had only seen me, when she was an infant, or just a Newborn Werewolf Cub, before I was cruelly murdered by Monster Hunters'." I heard the woman say, rather seriously; yet sympathetically.  "Come, drink with us, & make merry." "There's plenty of food for us all." the woman said, while smiling, exposing fang-like teeth; that were just like mine. While I had only looked at the woman, my father said, "say hello to your mother." "Don't be rude!" While the woman had seen me, she had told my father, "Tyr, don't be so harsh with her!" While I had sat beside my parents', I had enjoyed the foods that were a part of my diet, as I had asked the woman, "are you my Real Mother?" "Also, if you don't mind me asking, are you part female werewolf, as well as, a witch?" "First off, yes, I am your mother, secondly, I am was a witch,as well as, Female Werewolf Warrior; that was, before, I was exiled for being only half werewolf; as well as, not marrying who your grandparents' wanted me to, because; I loved & still love your father."  "Your grandfather was a vampire, & your grandmother was half werewolf, & half  Female Dragon; as Your Great, Great,Great, Great Grandfather had came from Asia, moving to Iceland, after he met your Great, Great, Great, Great Grandmother; who had Viking Blood in her." "After they had married, their generations of family, had vampire, human, dragon, as well as, werewolf inside each & every one of them; including myself, & you." the woman told me, as I had told her, no wonder; I have always had a temper, felt Cold Blooded, like blood, guts, & gore, in stories & movies, don't mind the smell or the sight of blood, have always been able to shape-shift, love Asian & European Things, was not ever afraid of death, &  am aggressive; while howling, when I go into the forests', from where I've lived, for thirty years."  As I had finished the last of my speech, my mother asked me; "how old are you, Human, Dragon, & Werewolf Wise?" "Well, Human wise, I am now thirty, Dragon Wise, since; I have lived six Past Lives,  I am two-thousand-twenty-one, & Werewolf wise, I don't know." I told my mother, as she was shocked, yet happy to see me. 

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