Chapter Eleven

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   While I had heard the story of my parents', by my grandparents', I  was saddened, shocked, amazed, yet; happy to now know the truth about myself;  as tears streamed down my face, while I had tried to stop the tears, as I could see the memory of my mother bringing me to the orphanage, as hunters had chased her; & then, after I had seen her fight off the hunters', as she had gone away from me; never to be seen again, as my father had tried to find me, after hearing about my mother & the hunters, but; was unlucky in finding me, for twenty-nine in a half years.  As I had been told that my father, my Real Father was still searching for me, as he hadn't believed any of Loki's lies; as he had known that somehow, some way, I was still alive. As I had seen My Uncle Thor talking to a man with a bow & a bunch of arrows, who was muscular, tall, black haired, a Viking Style Beard, with brown eyes that could almost peer into one's very soul; that were like daggers, or, that burnt a hole in the back of one's head. As I had heard the man ask, "which one is my daughter?" I had become very defensive, as did Fenris; while the man had came towards us, while Tyr had shot Fenris a sharp, dagger-like, ice cold, stern look; as he had stopped growling. While I had seen the man, beside my grandmother, grandfather, aunt, & uncle, I had courageously came up to the man, while  asking, "who are you, sir?" While I could see that the man had almost "studied" me, as he had seen my Beauty Mark, on the left side of my face; as well as the scar on the right side of my face, that I had gotten from a dragon on my trip to Norway, as I was unexpectedly attacked; while flying on my broom, while I had tried to avoid the big, red, scaly, fire-breathing dragon; who had followed me, until one of my dragon friends had saved my life; bringing me to my grandfather's house, while seeing my grandfather heal me; as, I had came back to my conscience state, while seeing that my New Advanced Witch's Broom, which I had gotten as a birthday gift; was destroyed.  As I could see the man staring at me, I could feel his eyes staring into my very somewhat pure, honest, courageous, kind, compassionate, wise, magical, smart, logical, sensitive, judgmental, passionate, aggressive, loving, serious, stern, secretive, dark, somewhat creepy, fearful, interesting, selfless, hyper active, reincarnated, somewhat depressed, soul, while the man asked me; "are you secretly a real witch, that embraces The Ways of Old?" Also, do you know who I am?" "Farther more, do you know who & what you really are,my dear?" As I answered him by saying, no sir, the man had told me; with tears in his eyes, "it's you."  "My daughter!" While the man had hugged me, I had remembered a man who had looked for me, while asking The U.S. Orphanages', if they received a baby girl named Diana; as they had told him, one by one, no; until, he found the orphanage; in North Missouri, called Saint Joan's Orphanage, which contained my information, as he had gotten it from the orphanage ; I was at, until I was adopted, as he had explained to The Adoption Center, that he was my Real Father; so, the orphanage was more than happy to give my father all of my information.

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