Chapter Eight

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     As the wizards' could see the anger in Fenris's eyes, I was told in a whisper, "beware The Werewolf King & his bite." After I had heard the wizard's words, I had seen them quickly leave from upstairs, to downstairs, to look at books; when Fenris had told me, "these wizards are trying to scare you, also; what they tell you, is a bunch of bull shit!" "Fenris, not so loud!" I said in a whispering tone;  while Fenris told me, "you can call me Fen for short."  "Also, I'm so sorry, for being so loud." As I had shaken my head in approval, I had felt a chill, as I had seen a man dressed in 1800's clothing, with a top hat, as I had seen that Fenris was growling, as I had seen what he had seen, which was the male ghost, followed by a female ghost.  As my neck hairs stood up, I could feel that the ghosts were right beside me, as I had gotten my things; & with Fenris following me, I had made my way to my aunt's workplace; as I had told my aunt; what I had seen, as she had told me how to appease the spirits, while asking who my friend was, as I had told my aunt; "this is Fergus." While Fenris had been afraid, he lied mildly, while saying; "yes, my name is Fergus Wolf Bane."  "Nice to meet you, Fergus." my aunt said, as Fenris had told my aunt, "it's nice to meet you, however; I have to leave to my home, before it gets dark." "My family will be worried sick, if I don't make it home, before Dusk."  As I had said goodnight to Fenris, I had told him; that I wouldn't be in town tomorrow, as tomorrow was Saturday; & my family & I would be out of town, doing something for me; on my birthday. While Fenris had left, he had told me happy birthday, before leaving; & had also given me a gift in a small box, with a red ribbon on it; then, had left.  While going to the house, & getting out of the truck, with my things; I had turned on the light, while my friends & my family had jumped out of their hiding places, in the house, while yelling, "surprise!" While I had put my things down, I swear I could see a wolf on the porch, while I heard him mouth "happy birthday; my friend." While I had gazed outside, I then had seen four hooded men, who had broken into my aunt & uncle's house, as my  uncle had told me to run to the forest; as he had called the police; to report a break-in.  As I had ran into the forest with Fenris, I had heard the hooded men run behind me; as I had turned into a large, white, blue eyed, angry, cautious, ears reared back, & I could also hear myself snarling at the men; as Fenris had ordered me to follow him into the forest, as I had obeyed him; while saying, "yes your majesty." 

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