Chapter Nineteen

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   As I had been told by the doctor, that I was pregnant, Fenris had been so happy; as my father had also been overjoyed, yet frightened, as we had followed him back into the forest, as he had signaled for us to follow him into the forest, where he had told us of how our son would be the one who would help the gods defeat Loki, on his eighteenth birthday, & how we should be super careful; as Loki was very crafty & sly, & would do anything to either get rid of me, or the baby; if not both. As Fenris had heard what my father had to say, he was outraged, while saying in a very angry tone; "I'll rip Loki to shreds, if he dares to come Anywhere near my wife & our unborn child!" "That's a promise!" I had seen Fenris's somewhat calm demeanor change into an angry, yet, protective werewolf demeanor. While Fenris had turned back into his werewolf form, he had taken me back to the den. 

   A few months later...

  As months had passed, & Fenris had been super protective of our unborn child, as well as myself; not taking any chances at all. As I was asleep, I had been awakened by a sharp pain in my stomach, as, I had felt the baby moving in my stomach; as, I had gone into labor, while I had told Fenris, "it's time!" As my husband was confused, it had then dawned on him, that I was about to give birth; while he had gotten The Midwife to come to my aid. As I had been giving birth, Fenris was there with me, holding my right paw; reassuring me, the whole time, until, I had given birth to a healthy, bouncing, blue eyed, small, baby boy, whom Fenris & I, had called Harold; after Fenris's  father. As we had seen The Midwife clean up our son, had cut off his cord, then; had sprinkled the small, newborn, baby, male, Werewolf Prince's body with salt; to prevent infection of any kind, & to protect him from Evil Spirits', our son had been swaddled in a blanket, while, he was given to me. As I had seen Fenris smile, I had been happy myself, yet; afraid for my son's life, as, I had remembered what my father had told me, would happen; when our son was eighteen, if not, before. As I had held Harold, I had heard someone come where I was, as Fenris could see it was my father, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, & uncle; coming to see the new baby. As I had let my family see our son, Werewolf Prince, Harold; my father had told me, "your son is going to be someone great, one day; he will make you proud." "I give your son, The Gift of Courage." As I could see my father bestow our son his gift, I could see my grandfather, give my son, The Gift of Strength, as one by one; my family had given him gifts; until, I had instinctively known that The Trickster God, Loki; was nearby, & wanted nothing more, than to kill Fenris & my son, & had stood in front of the cradle, while Fenris & I had shown our teeth; with our ears back, as we had been snarling, as every Good Wolf or in our case, Werewolf Parent or parents had done; to show our foe that we meant business. As Loki had told us, that he meant no Ill Will upon Harold, he had told us that he too; had a gift for our child; as Fenris had told him, while snarling, "we don't want any of your gifts!" As Loki had proceeded to tell us what was what, he had told us; before your son turns eighteen; he shall go to war, & shall be met be a sword made of silver; & die!" As I had grabbed our son, holding him close to me, I only gasped in fear; saying, "oh, no!" As Loki had laughed evilly, Fenris had shouted to our guards, "seize him!" As Loki had used his magic to escape; we had been told by one of the gods', "despair not, your majesties; for, I still have my gift to give." As the goddess had her hand up in the air, she had said, "tiny prince, if by some chance a sword you may meet, may earth & Valhalla be underneath your Royal Feet." "May you be the one, who makes Loki's demise, complete." 

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