9: Demonic Ninjas

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The McCall House, the Living Room

After School

Malia jacked up one of the twins' motorcycles (not too badly, and besides, they could still run) and hotwired the other after school. She picked up Kira, who was smirking at the twins' faces, and brought her to Scott's house, because a) Deaton had recently given Melissa what some might call a "security system upgrade" and b) there were less people to get hurt here.

 Kylie, being un-supernatural and therefore safe from the dangers of the demonic ninjas, had reluctantly agreed to take the bus home.

"Malia!" Scott greeted her happily, standing up from the couch.

"Hey, Scott!" Malia hugged Scott, having missed him the past few days. "This is Kira, she's my new friend from school."

Scott fell silent upon noticing the new character, but then studied her. "She was at the sparky place," he remembered. "With - with the mean guy. On the full moon."

"Yeah, that's me," Kira waved awkwardly.

"Could you lock the door?" Malia asked Kira, and Kira nodded, obeying Malia's order.

"Why?" Scott looked nervous.

"There are these - well, uh, demonic ninjas, I guess, going around and marking people, but don't worry, Scott, I brought Kira here so I could keep you and her safe. You're at risk too, and I don't want either of you getting hurt."

"We're running out of time," Kira reported.

"I know, but Allison, her dad, and Isaac are working on something that could help," Malia bit her lip worriedly. Unless that something appears right this second, it's not doing us any favors.

"I don't want to sound pessimistic or anything, but you really think that's going to keep them out?" Kira voiced her concern, as Malia went around checking the windows to make sure they were all locked.

"Actually," Malia told Kira, "Melissa has a kind of security system. Things happened a couple weeks ago...a lot of things...and my friend, Dr. Deaton, helped make a few changes to Melissa's house, since I spend so much time here. She's like a second mother to me."

"Dr. Deaton - does he work for a security company or something?" asked Kira.

"No, he's a veterinarian," Malia said, taking her place by Scott's side. 

"You had a vet put in your alarm?" Kira stared at Malia like she was crazy.

"Yeah, sort of, but I can't arm it, only Melissa can," Malia told Kira. 

"Where's she?" Kira asked.

"Don't worry, she'll be here," Malia said. She has to be.

"Malia," Scott voiced his own concerns, "what do these...these ninjas do? Will they hurt you?"

Malia was surprised that he'd said you and not me, but shrugged nevertheless. "They just leave marks behind people's ears, so far, and sap their strength. So far they've gotten Aiden, Ethan, Lydia, Derek, and Isaac. But last night, as the sun rose, they were looking right at me."

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