15: How to Save a Life

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Beacon Hills Sheriff Department, the Holding Cells

A Few Minutes Later

"Still nothing?" Argent asked Derek, who had his eyes closed and was trying to utilize his wolf hearing from where they were both back-to-back in adjacent cells. "Derek?"

"Hold on," Derek snapped irritably at him, before finally opening them. "You were right," the werewolf admitted. "They're moving all the evidence."

"What else? Anything about the murder itself?" demanded Argent. "Any other details?"

"Just that they're putting Katashi's things under federal lockup," Derek sighed. "Something about Stilinski being out for the day. You know if all of this is true, people are dead because of Stiles?"

"Is it really Stiles? Remember, we've had this problem before," Argent referred to Jackson's rampage as the kanima.

"But we got lucky with Jackson," Derek sighed. They both fell silent as a guard walked past, before resuming their conversation. "What happens when you don't get lucky?"

"I guess that depends on how much of the real Stiles is left," answered Argent. "Have you ever heard of the Berserkers?"

"Germanic warriors," nodded Derek, though Argent couldn't see. "They wore the skins of bears...to channel their ferocity."

"They didn't just wear them," Argent frowned. "They became them. Now a couple years ago, a family came to us for help with their son. This group of teenagers, they were doing all sorts of rituals with animal skins. But with Berserkers, the human side doesn't last long. They're not tempted by the moon."

"He killed people," Derek concluded.

"He tore them apart," Argent corrected him. "Eventually, I had to tell the family their son was gone. Took three of us to take him down, almost every bullet we had, and when it was over, I felt no remorse. None. Because I knew that kid was long gone."

"Would you feel any remorse...putting Stiles down?" asked Derek.

"Stiles, yes," nodded Argent. "But not a Nogitsune."


The Argent House

Later That Day

Allison opened the door to greet Malia, Aiden, and Ethan. "My father said all the Katashi evidence is being moved to federal lockup by armored car tonight, probably within the next two hours."

Malia met Lydia's gaze; the banshee was standing in Allison's room, looking as though she felt very out-of-place. Allison went to stand by her side.

"We're going to rob an armored car?" Aiden asked, eyes wide.

"Well..." Lydia's voice trailed off. "We're going to try."

After the plan had been explained, Malia looked over to the side. "This is a really bad plan," she commented, not that she'd expected anything much better; most of their plans were usually pretty bad.

"It's not that bad!" protested Lydia.

"It's not that good," Ethan retorted, pacing around.

"None of us knows the route they're going to take," Lydia told them. "If Allison can get one of her dad's GPS trackers on the armored car, then we can follow it."

Saving ScottOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora