14: Family

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Just Outside Beacon Hills Animal Clinic

Still That Night...

Lydia: Where are you right now?

Malia: @ the animal clinic, y?

Lydia: Allison and I need to tell you something.

Lydia: Also, Allison says I'm the only one that uses full words in texting.

Lydia: Is that true??

Malia: srry, Lyds.

Lydia: Be there in five minutes.

Stiles was still unconscious, lying on Deaton's exam table, so the doctor had assured Malia that she could go home if she wanted to (the only reason she would go home would be to pack her things, which Malia knew she had to do within the time limit) and also, that she could meet Allison and Lydia outside.

The brunette and the strawberry blonde were sitting in Allison's car, and they quickly got out, despite the fact that it was still raining, to hunch over under the awning with Malia. "There's nobody with wolf hearing in there, is there?" Allison checked.

"Nope, just me," frowned Malia. "What's going on? What are you guys being so secretive about?"

"Well, Lydia went over to Peter's earlier, for help finding Stiles," Allison began.

"We didn't know he was with you guys at the time," added Lydia, "and I'd seen him at school earlier, he seemed willing to help."

"I thought it was insane the whole time," put in Allison.

"Anyway," Lydia glared at her best friend, "Peter wanted us to recover a memory that Talia Hale - "

"As in, the dead Talia Hale? Derek's mom?" Malia's eyes widened. "Her claws, he wanted you to use his claws, didn't he? Derek mentioned them to me."

Allison nodded.

"Yes," Lydia felt the need to confirm. "Anyway, she stole the memory from him, and he wanted it back, and, well, it turns out he's not just an uncle. He's a father." She gulped. "And I wouldn't tell him who it was, but I know exactly who his child is."

"So do I, because she trusts me and told me," Allison smirked. 

"But Peter doesn't," added Lydia. "He tried to get it out of me, but Allison basically tased him."

Allison smirked, "On a supernatural level. He's not getting up anytime soon."

"Okay, so, why are you telling me this?" Malia demanded. "Who is the child? How old are they? Is it a boy, or a girl? Are they a werewolf, like Peter?"

Lydia gulped and glanced over at Allison. "They're seventeen," she said, "it's a girl, and actually, they're a were-coyote." She paused, but Allison completed her sentence for her.

"The only known true alpha were-coyote, actually."

Malia stared at Allison and Lydia, wanting to tell them that they were wrong, but oddly it made sense. Why nobody else in her family was supernatural, why she'd always get these weird feelings like she just didn't fit in with her family...

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