22: Dying

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Beacon Hills Sheriff Department

A Few Hours Later

Malia gripped Scott's hand tightly as she, Scott, Lydia, and Isaac all sat in the sheriff's office, waiting to be interrogated. Not one of them had said a word since a few hours ago, if you could call it that. Stiles and Kira weren't here, seeing as Allison and Kira hadn't really been good friends, and the police might think of that as suspicious, and Stiles was the sheriff's son, which could get the sheriff in trouble.

She could only remember seeing the life fade from Allison's face as Isaac held her.

"Malia. Malia, look at me," Malia remembered Argent's instructions, after he'd arrived at Oak Creek. She allowed her head to rest on Scott's shoulder, as the memory of last night seeped in. "Malia, look at me! You have to remember - you called me first. Say it."

"I - I called you first," Malia stammered from her place beside Scott. 

"Not 'you'! Say 'Mr. Argent,' or 'her dad'." Argent instructed.

"I called her dad first."

"What else happened?" pressed Argent. "What happened?"

"There were two of them; they tried to steal her car; they wore masks; one of them had a knife." Malia repeated the story Argent had told her, trying to make sure all of it was correct.

"You think!" Argent corrected Malia's story. "You don't give specifics, Malia. You saw something, sharp. Metallic. You think it was a knife. What do you say next? If you get confused, what do you always repeat?"

"It happened so fast," managed Malia, trying not to cry in front of Argent, who was holding back his tears very well, although everyone in the pack knew that inside, he was emotionally broken.

"Say it again." Malia shook her head, still unable to process what had just happened. "Malia! Say it again."

"How are you doing this?" asked Malia, staring at Argent with eyes full of tears.

"It's what we do," Argent choked out, finally showing some emotion. "It's what we do," he said, more steadily this time.

"Can you remember anything else?" Deputy Parrish's voice interrupted Malia's recollection of only a few hours ago. "Anything else? Isaac?" he turned to the beta, who had remained silent and was staring at the ground, no doubt remembering his final moments with Allison.

Maybe even blaming himself.

"I'm sorry," Isaac finally managed. "It just happened so fast."

Sheriff Stilinski patted his shoulder comfortingly and glanced at Parrish; it appeared that their questioning was done.


The Yukimura House


"Here," Noshiko finished pouring tea into an old-looking teapot. "It'll calm you."

"What is it?" Stiles eyed the teapot skeptically. He was sitting beside Kira on the Yukimuras' couch, wringing his hands. He couldn't stop thinking about Allison.

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