11: Found?

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Beacon Hills Sheriff Department


"Hey, is this the exact transcript of Malia's and Stiles' phone call?" demanded Rafael, striding over to Parrish's desk with a piece of paper in his hand.

"It's what she gave us," nodded Parrish.

"But these words, Stiles says 'something smells terrible, my eyes are watering'," Rafael told Parrish, who furrowed his brow and shrugged at him.

"Hi," Melissa's voice rang out from the front desk, "I'm Melissa McCall, I was hoping to see Agent McCall?" Rafael snorted; around here, she was the only one who ever bothered to use his official FBI name without a hint of mockery in her voice.

"What're you doing here?" Rafael questioned.

"My shift was over," explained Melissa. "I just wanted to see if I could help."


On the Road

A Few Minutes Later

"So, what are you saying?" Melissa asked Rafael as she buckled into the passenger seat of his car.

"I'm saying the real question might be, how do we know he's not still asleep?" Rafael told her.

"You mean he's been asleep the whole time," Melissa said skeptically.

"People who sleepwalk can do crazy things," Rafael stated. "I remember one guy, he goes down to the kitchen and cooks an entire meal, another guy's found mowing his lawn, naked."

Melissa snorted. "Why does that matter?"

"Remember that town house apartment we lived in?" Rafael reminded her. "There was that one night I came home drunk - "

"Oh, one night!" Melissa interrupted him.

"Let me finish," Rafael rolled his eyes. "So I'm drunk, passed out on the bed, I get up to go to the bathroom, and suddenly I hear you, yelling 'What the hell are you doing?'"

"Because you were in the closet, peeing into the laundry basket!" cried Melissa, remembering the night Rafael was talking about.

"Yeah, I thought it was the bathroom!" exclaimed Rafael.

"Oh, you were drunk off your ass," Melissa shook her head.

"Yeah, but I was convinced it was the bathroom," Rafael repeated. "So how do we know Stiles isn't just convinced he's in some kind of basement, and isn't actually there?"

Melissa fell silent and looked over to her ex-husband, who nodded as she caught up with his thinking.

"I think when he called Malia, he was still asleep," Rafael told her. "He's still asleep right now."

"Then where is he?" Melissa asked.

"I got an idea about that, too," Rafael informed her.


Scott's Wolf Den

A Few Minutes Later

When they found Stiles, he was screaming, trying to fight off Melissa as she pulled him up out of the den.

"Stiles! It's okay, you're all right, it's okay!" Melissa shouted to the teenage boy, wrapping her arms around his back and hugging him tightly. "It's all right. Stiles, you're all right."

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