18: Fireflies

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The Argent House

Later That Morning

Allison woke up to the sun shining through her windows. She turned blearily to find that Isaac wasn't in her bed any longer, and frowned as she located the werewolf, in front of her mirror.

"There you are," she frowned. "What are you doing over there?"

"There's still a lot of weapons here," Isaac said. "I thought your new code was about protecting."

"Most of them are non-lethal," Allison told him.

Isaac raised two Chinese ring daggers. "This looks pretty lethal to me," he told her. "Maybe you should keep them," he said, as Allison sat up in bed. "There's still a few of us out there who aren't quite so non-lethal. Like the twins."

"I thought we were going to give them a second chance," Allison said, studying Isaac as he held the daggers.

"They don't deserve it," Isaac whispered harshly.

"Things are different now, it doesn't have to be like that anymore," Allison told him, frowning at her boyfriend. 

"I had a feeling you'd say something like that," Isaac told her. 

"Isaac, wait," Allison took off the covers to get up, only to find that Isaac had handcuffed her ankle to the bed. "Isaac!" she cried, tugging at the chains; but the werewolf had already disappeared.


The McCall House


"The couch, put him on the couch," instructed Malia, having woken up Kira a few minutes ago so that she wouldn't be troubled by, you know, a seemingly-dead Stiles. The kitsune had left; Malia assumed she had, finally, gone home, but she wasn't sure. She and Aiden laid Stiles down while Deaton, Melissa, Lydia, and Scott knelt over him.

"This is crazy," Melissa stated. "He needs to be in the hospital."

Malia looked at her. "Remember what happened the last time he went to the hospital?" she reminded Melissa.

"It doesn't look like he's bleeding," Deaton peered at a large gash in Stiles' stomach. "I think he might even be healing."

"You mean healing like we heal?" Aiden asked the veterinarian.

"That's good, right?" Malia asked anxiously, gripping Scott's hand. Melissa smirked at the two - unbeknownst to them, she'd made sure to take a picture of the two sleeping together.

"For him, yes," Deaton turned to face Malia. "For us, I'm not so sure."

"Well, if we aren't going to kill him, why aren't we at least tying him down with really big chains?" wondered Aiden, glaring at Stiles and folding his arms.

"I might have something more effective," Deaton stated, and promptly squeezed kanima venom directly into Stiles' mouth. He immediately woke up and seized Aiden by the neck.

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