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"Brad look at this supply list. She's going to freaking kindergarten not the sixth gr- Sienna stop putting your babies on Peanut he's trying to sleep!"

"No mommy he knows it pway timeeee."

She rolls her eyes walking away from me as Peanut darts out of the room for some privacy.

"Seriously look at this though... two pairs of safety scissors, a pack of crayons, four folders, stickers, pencils, even markers! We can't send her to school with markers and scissors! We'll never be able to take her back again after the first day."

"Babe, you're worried about your baby starting school. It's scary but she's going to be fine. We'll go to the store today and buy everything so she can see what it's used for. And we can get some backup sets for when she tries feeding poor Peanut and Norm the crayon colors she doesn't like again."

"I don't know what lime green ever did to her to deserve that mess."

"She said it made her belly hurt when she saw it. I don't understand this child either but somehow we're stuck figuring her out."

"This poor teacher... look they even want her to have paint, brushes, a ruler- even a calculator! She's going to end up painting someone's face."

We get to the store after a quick lecture on promising not to use all her cool new school supplies for anything bad, regretfully allowing her to have some say in what she gets.

"Daddy I want this oneeeeee! Not bwue!"

"Sienna that's not the same thing. Mommy said you need the notebook with big lines. Not the little ones like those."

"But no... I want piiiiink!"

I watch Brad ready to give up from a distance, already having to walk away myself after she told us she's getting a back pack big enough to fit both Peanut and Norm in it all day so her and her friends can play with them.

"Si- fine. You can get pink for at home but Miss Kline will be mad at me and mommy if we send you to school with the wrong one. We have to follow her rules so you can learn."

"I don't yike her ruwes. I yike pink!"

"Let's just get the next thing. It looks like you need a new backpack."

"Yaaaay I want a Bawbie one?"

"If that's what you want."

I quickly meet up to follow them over where we let her out of the cart to look around for one big enough to make her happy.

"You KNOW she's going to try to fit those poor dogs in there."

"Maybe they should go to your dad's house the night before her first day. Give them a little break from her."

"Mommy I can get this one?"

She holds up the biggest one she could find that's completely covered in Barbies and random flowers that she loves.

"Honey don't you think that's a little big? It'll be hard for you to carry."

"Daddy can carry it?"

"It is cute, babe."

He turns towards me with a look that let's me know he wants her to have everything we can get to make her happy.

"She can't take the pink notebook so this makes up for it."

"I guess. But you have to let me fix it so you aren't falling over the straps when you walk."

She throws it on her back immediately, upside down since she has no idea what she's doing, guiding us through the store to where she thinks the rest of the supplies are.

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