Go Vote

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"Mama they vote too? Whats vote?"

I pick her up once she's pulling on my arm, trying to disrupt their peace as they quietly wait behind us.

"Voting is when adults like me and dada help decide who should be making the big decisions in the world. We have to vote for the right people so they can help everyone."

"We have to think really carefully and make sure the one we pick is going to be nice and fair," Brad joins in to help "You know how you have to pick your favorite baby to sleep with? The one that helps you have the best dreams?"

"Yeah cause that baby nice."

"And that's what mama and I think of when we pick who we vote for. But we have to think of some more things other than drea-"

"Shhhh dada no more talk." She puts her little hand over his mouth "I thinking."

She whispers little things to her stuffed Peanut she insisted on brining with while Brad and I wait very inpatiently to hear whatever it is she came up with.

"Me and Penis want pink baby."

"Peanut, Sienna. Peanut."

"That what I say mama."

She slides down between us, reaching her hands up so she can hold one of our hands while we wait our turn.

"Maybe we should have left her with your dad. She's not making it this long."

"You have the stroller in your car, right? This line is going to take forever we can just strap her in there."

"She'll scream."

"And then she'll get over it."

We slowly move forward listening to the sounds of her singing every song she can think of and talking to the people directly in front of and behind us about what she thinks is happening.

"You vote too?" She turns to the older couple behind us "Like my mama and dada? They wait sooooooo long."

"Aw, we are voting just like them," the lady smiles at Brad and I before leaning in to talk to Sienna "Every adult votes so we can make the world better for kids just like you."

"I vote to sweep wif my pink baby... and this my puppy Peni-"

"Ohhkay Sisi," Brad quickly reaches down to grab her "I think we've talked enough now."

"But dada hers my fwend."

"I know baby but I think she wants to talk to someone else too."

Brad pulls me in closer while we wait, listening to everyone around us talk about the candidates and what they like about them. The soft murmurs of their voices help keep Sisi calm while Brad slowly rocks her back and forth hoping for a nap.

"You okay?" Brad notices how quiet I am as we move on "You look like you're about to fall asleep too."

"I just wasn't expecting the line to be so long... I'm happy it is but it's tiring."

"I'm just so happy to see more people taking this seriously. We need everyone to join in. I'm glad we brought her."

I take Sisi when he goes for the stroller now that she's completely out and we have some silence. She wraps her little arms around me as I hold her tightly, knowing no matter what the outcome of all this, I have my little family to lean on when it's needed the most.

I look around at everyone, all sharing the same uncertain look as they get closer to the polls. The feeling of knowing you could be part of a huge, needed, change washes over all of us.

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