Not Today

494 18 4

"Babe..." I roll over, hitting Brad as I hear Sienna walking around "Babe she's awake."

"She's just walking around. I already checked on her."

"Brad our child doesn't just 'walk around'. She's obviously about to do something."

I force myself out of bed, grabbing my robe before opening our door for her to sprint in like she has the most exciting news ever.

"Good morning mommy and daddy!"

She jumps right on top of Brad, keeping him from any sleep he might have been getting and starts telling us all about her night and dreams.

"...and I have dream daddy go faaaaaaar away and I cry. And mommy make cookies."

"Well that sounds like a nightmare." Brad eventually sits up, pulling her on his lap "Why did I go far away?"

"You making movie."

"Baby what's on your hands?" I notice she has something all over her, as well as Brad's face since she was touching him "Were you playing with your makeup?"

"Yesssss. I clean up."

"There's no mess in your room?"


Not really believing her, Brad takes her over to look while I go downstairs to get started on breakfast so she's well fed and distracted by the time they get here for our interview.

"Mommy I can make cereal?"

I turn to see that she already has her little stool out, holding her favorite spoon and bowl.

"I want chowat kind!"

"Where's daddy?" I hand her the cereal, helping her pour the milk so we don't have a disaster "Is he upstairs?"

"Hims on phone."

She carefully carries her bowl over to the table, leaving me to clean up the little mess she mad.

"Baby we need you to be really good today, okay?" I eventually join her at the table with my breakfast "There's going to be lots of people taking pictures of the house so they can show it to everyone so you have to stay in your playroom or outside."

"I think outside. Wif my new bike!"

"We'll see about the bike. Daddy and I have to talk to the people while we're watching you."

She makes a huge mess, insisting on holding her spoon in the weirdest ways while trying to figure out how to still get the cereal in her mouth. Her little hands and face are completely covered in milk, but the smile on her face as she makes the mess makes it okay.



I make sure she's okay, walking around until I find Brad standing in front of a wall, practically shaking in anger.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Your child."

"She's been in with me. What could she have done?"

"I don't know if you want to know..."


He slowly moves away from the wall he was covering, letting me see the mess.

"Oh my God..."

"She- she painted it?"


"Hi mommy!"

She runs in the room, happy to show us her artwork, but changes her mind as soon as she's sees we are not excited.

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