Chapter Eleven - Moments Later

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I stood with my sister and friends as we watched Hanna being put in the back of the ambulance, she was breathing again but she was in bad shape.

"We need to get to the hospital, are you okay to drive?" Spencer asked Emily.

"Yeah, I guess so." The went to the car first while my sister and I stared was the ambulances as it left the car park.

"Rica." I hummed

"I think I just saw Noel." I looked at her with confusion.

"Noel?" she nodded and looked back over I did as well but he wasn't there. "Are you sure?"

"I..." she sighed and shrugged before we turned around. Aria had come with Spencer, but now I was driving her. I went to grab my keys, while my sister waited at my car. Once I did we drove to the hospital.

"Do you wanna call the fam while i get us all something to drink." Aria nodded and I went to get supples, I didn't know how long it would be till we knew anything, I also knew we wouldn't leave till we did so just in case. I came back with some snacks and some coffees, just as I was handing them out, Mrs Marin came round, she was talking to Lucas.

"Is she going to be alright,Mrs Marin?" Arian queried. Mrs M looked really shaken up, not surprising though given what just happened

"She's going to be okay. She has a broken leg and a broken ankle, bruised ribs and, uh, they might have to remove her spleen." she told us At least she was going to be okay but even i knew she wouldn't be happy about not wearing heels for a while.

"What happened?" she asked us. We all gave slight looks to each other before Aria spoke.

"Hanna was walking across the parking lot and this car came out of nowhere."

"Well the police found the car and the said the car was stolen from the camp ground parking lot." Mrs M informed us.

"Did they catch the driver?" Emily wondered

"They should be looking at Toby Cavanagh." Spencer said and I was about to retort when Mrs Marin said something that shook me.

"It wasn't Toby Cavenagh, the police picked him up last night."

"Wait what?!" I asked a little too loudly. I covered my face

"One of the officers told me they found him hiding in town and they were bringing him into the station when they got the call about Hanna." Mrs M added, the sighed

"Why don't you girls go home, I will let you know when she can have visitors." We nodded

"Can you tell her we were here." I ask. Mrs Marin gave a small smile

"When she wakes up." She turned around and went back to Hanna. I waited till she was gone then i blew.

"I told you, Toby wasn't A. I fucking told you." I snapped pointing at each of them with fury in my eyes

"Erica calm down." Aria came over and I stepped back.

"No I won't, he wasn't A, he didn't do any of this and now he's sitting in a jail cell because of that mother fucker. That son of a bitch has run over one best friend and sent another to jail. I'm fuming." I ranted at them, fuming didn't cover it, nothing really covered my rage at the moment.

"Being mad won't get you now where Erica, the point is Hanna knows who is. The why they tried to kill her." Spencer sighed.

"Do you think they're just trying to scare us?" Emily wondered

"Well, it worked." Aria muttered glancing away.

"This wasn't about scaring us that was just a bonus. This started with murder, and we were crazy to think it wouldn't end up like this." Spencer voiced as she folded her arms, wasn't so cocky now was she.

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