Chapter Twenty Two - As the Bell Tolls

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I woke up in the middle of the night to someone arguing. I groaned slightly, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Are you insane, you should even be here, anyone could see."

"Look, I know you don't like what's going on but she is my girlfriend, whether you like it or not."

"Your right I don't like it. She's sleeping anyway. You need to leave."

"Mom?" I ask and the voices stopped, Mom came back in as my brain worked to register the voices that I had heard, one of them was clearly her and I think the other might have been Jason.

"Sweetie are you okay?"

"I heard voices, is Jason out there" I questioned, she sighed and nodded as my eyesight cleared to see her properly.

"Please I want to see him, five minutes please." she sighed. she left and Jason came in and took my side, I was happy that he was here and felt more comforted and at ease than I had before.

"Hey, how are you?" he whispered stroking my head

"Upped on painkillers. Aria called you." I answered and he nodded in confirmation.

"Yeah, she explained what was going on. I knew I should have picked you up." he looked away, I could feel the guilt radiating off him, though he had nothing to feel guilty about, It was the crazy bitch at play.

"I have some good news. You wanna here it?" I smiled "I got the house back, I'll be starting work on it soon."

"That is good news." He gave me a soft kiss

"Look I better get going before your Mom get's back." I hummed in understanding and becoming very sleepy once more

"I love you." I mumble falling back asleep


The next morning, I was awake again, i had breakfast and the Doctor had come to check me over. Aria was back and she looked distracted

"Everything okay?" I ask her, she shakes her head clear and smiles softly at me

"of course."

"You're lying, what happened? Did you get another text from A?" She shook her head and it looked like she was trying to determine whether to tell me or not.

"Aria, tell me." she sighed giving in.

"You know the key Jenna was looking for?" I nodded "Ali hid it in a snow globe she gave to Emily. Last night Emily, Hanna and I went to a storage unit, there was this flash drive in Ali's old lunch box."

"Did you see what was on the drive?"

"Yeah, there were videos of us. All of us including Alison. From like when we had sleepovers, it's really creepy." she told me she then cleared her throat "There's another one. It's of Toby and Jenna."

"What?" before she could tell me any more there was a knock on the door, Toby poked his head through

"Toby." I beamed forgetting the previous conversation, happy that my best friend was here

"Am I interrupting?" He wonders

"No, in fact i need to go to school. I will see you later okay." she kissed my head and left. Toby took her place.

"Spencer, told me what happened. You get yourself into some scrapes don't you?" he joked smiling slightly

"You know me. Live life in the fast lane." I reply "Doc say's I'm doing good, they wanna do a few more test before the discharge me then it's bed rest. Stuck at home with my Dad all day. Deep joy."

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