first days always suck

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Well...once again I'm at a new school and it was going okay...till lunch. I was walking down rows of tables when I stumbled on my feet again slamming into someone hard, my glasses fell off my face as the person I fell against caused a domino effect. I fell onto my glasses feeling them crush under my knee. Shit. My lunch splashed all over my shirt, face, and hair. "What the fuck!" I hear someone shout. I flinch. That has to be the person I fell against. I slowly look up, but everything was so blurry. I have such poor eye sight. Squinting alittle I can see that someone was facing me. He had dumped his lunch on the dude in front of him but he didnt fall like me. "You bitch, who do you think you are!?" "I....I'm... I'm so sorry...I didn't.." he began to mock me. "I'm sorry I'm just a whiny little bitch who doesn't know how to watch were I'm going, why the fuck are you even walking in this general area? Do you know were you are!?" I hear a girl giggle. "Looks like she doesn't, you should teacher her a lesson love." I look at the grown, there is no point looking up, I cant see any ways. I pick up my broken glasses going to get up and was so surprised when I was pushed back down. " were you think your going!? You just made me dump my food all over the best football players Jersey." I could hear him reach for something and gasped when something really cold poured on my head dripping down my hair. Laughing erupted from the whole cafeteria. I just kept my head down as the guys group seemed to join in on degrading me in front of the whole cafeteria. Why am I such a pushover? That's when a loud voice shouted loud. "What is going on in here!" Everyone backed away. "She did it, she attacked my friend here with her food and tryed to apologize after being so cruel with her words. That is why she is bowing, she must have a weird culture or something cause I have no idea why she is down on her knees just to apologize." My eyes go wide. What!? I feel a hand grab mine and pull me up. "I dont know who you are but this school does not tolerate bullying you hear me miss, to the principal now!" I was so shocked I could hardly believe what I was hearing. I couldn't speak either as he dragged me away. I could hear the whole cafeteria erupt in laughter as we left. In the office I sat in a chair. I still couldn't see or anything really over my food covered hair. The glass that broke in my glasses were stabbing into my clenched fist, and I could feel tears ran down my dirty face." What happened to this poor girl?" A nice voice came from behind the desk. "Not poor girl, she attacked the captain of the football team and his group dragged her off trying to fend her off ." " why does she have food all over her then? " " they accidentally dropped there food in the attempt." The man sighed. "Young lady this is a no bully school, when you were accepted you were given a paper agreeing that you understand our rules, first punishment is a week suspension." I hear him rummage through papers. "Name." "Kiri" I choked out. After a few minutes of silent the principal sighed. "Well young lady you have a long history of conflict, every school you have gone to." Hes not wrong...I'm a sophomore  in collage and the 19 years I've been alive I went to a new school. The longest I lasted at a school was in kindergarten to 4th grade were I made my one and only friend Rachel. But non of it was true. I just never stood up for myself, didn't tell  my parents what truly happened, and the one time I told Rachel it made it worst, that's when I got my first "violent" report for sicking my friend on others. "It says hear you have anger issues, go to therapy,anger management class and all this other stuff...but nothing helps, this is why you we're sent to this school. A military school to wipe you into shape but it doesn't seem to work, this is the 9th time I was told of your misbehavior this week and now your here. Can you give me a good reason why I shouldn't suspend you for a week?" Everyone at this school comes here for opportunity....I geuss I'm written off as a student who actually should be in this school due to bad behavior. It hasn't been called a military school much cause it's not really, it was used as a warning school that would have bad kids sent here for a year and stay in dorms to have some discipline, but it runs like a school. Now it's a school for smart kids with opportunity. Well I'm both. It was only last week that my parents moved me into my dorm. As much as they love me some how I cause them to much trouble. I have 6 other siblings so they cant keep up with the principal visits, police conversations, or juvie for long periods of time. They dont want to keep worrying about me and hope this would fix me. Maybe if I could speak up this would never happen to me....but I can't. I'm the definition of very bad luck. "Mis. Clare I want you to tell me why you think I shouldn't suspend you." Normally I'd start crying but I just cant any more. There is no point. "Ummm...i..." I give up. That's what. He sighed "Mis. Clare....I have no idea what we're going to do... reading your file it makes no sence cause there is never a written statement from you. All these reports say you never defend yourself, your quite, a person Who keeps to themself  and your an excellent student in class, all your teachers don't know why your labeled as a trouble maker. Non of it adds time a friend tryed to help you out it seems, but she was rather aggressive about it, says she beat some kid up. Her statement clams your a good person she doesn't get how all these things are blamed on you, but she's never there so she can't say you didn't do these awful things. Kiri I want you to tell me what happened."

Axels pov

"What the hell Brad! That poor girl did no such thing!" " what it was funny and you know it." "No it wasnt. That girl could get in trouble! Did you not see that her glasses broke! What if she has anxiety and you just humiliated her! What an ass hole." "Wait axe..." I storm off rushing to the office, I couldn't let her take the blame for this...I cant watch people anymore get bullied from him...some how he gets away with it...20 people have committed suicide here, and sometimes i wonder if its Brad's fault but he doesn't think so. He also doesn't seem to care.
I open the door without knocking and say. "Mr. Smith can I talk to you for a sec?" I glance around and found the girl seated in a chair staring at the ground. Next to Mr.smith was Mr.keith. Mr.smith nodded. "Mis.clare can you go stand in the hall?" She nodded getting up and walking past me. I felt so bad. She was a mess. Her clothes were covered in food and it was drying up in her hair, it only got on my shirt, I cant believe Brad did this. When the door closed I said "brad was lying, that girl did no such thing, she seemed to have stumbled and tripped over her feet falling into my friend brad, he must have misunderstood, everyone dumped there food on her in response. This is a big misunderstanding."

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