Moms are scarie when it comes to there daughter

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Axels POV
Kiki layer on a bed sleeping. The doctors gave her a drug to help her sleep. She seemed finally some what a peace. Brad didn't seem to have hurt her to much physically, the doc just said she's a tinny bit stretched, that it was done to fast. Kiki only seemed to be suffering from mental damage. She didn't want to talk to the doctors about it. Guess she had a therapist who was on her way here. "So what happened? Did you two...try and she backed down?" I felt my cheeks heat up. "No! I would never...ummm...someone at school tried to rap her..." "oh wonder why she's so frightened. When did this happen?" "Yesterday...she didn't sleep all night..." the doctor nodded. "Well...she will wake in a bit, should let her sleep." I nodded. "Thanks doc." I sat next to her bed moving a peace of her hair out of her face. She looked so beaten up from this week alone. I won't let this ever happen again. There so much to Kiki...and I don't want this school destroying what chance she has at being someone great. I laid my head down for a bit and found myself falling asleep.
When I woke Kiki was starting to stir a bit. "Morning." I whispered lightly stroking her cheek. She opened her eyes a little looking around. "Am I okay....?" She whispered. I smirked. "Your alright, promise. Are you hungry? The doc says you don't have to stay over night but he does want you to talk to your therapist and eat something... we don't want you falling again." She nodded lightly touching her head. "Yea..." "I have a surprise for you later. But first you eat ok." She frowned. "I...I think I'm surprised out..." I paused for a minute a little confused but then I realized what she meant. "Oh...oh right no nothing like that, something you will actually like..." we jumped as the door flew open. "My baby girl!" I stepped out of the way as a red haired woman who looked like Kiki jumped onto her bed examining her arms and face. "What happened!? Are you okay? Please tell me you didn't try to kill yourself again? Baby girl I love you to much I can't loss you, I promise on my own life that it wasn't your fault..." Kiki looked a little spoked. Is she not her mom? Should I pull her off her? "I' fine mom, just tired." "Why are you here then hmmm? I get a call from your therapist claiming you we not doing good mentally, then you show up here physically hurt. What happened baby girl?" She looked away bitting her lip. "I...I almost got school." "WHAT! Who the fuck dared to do that to my little girl! I'll kill them, tell me names now these kids have no room in this world...." " I'm fine." She turned towards me her eyes ablaze. "You better not be the mother fucker who dared to touch my baby without her consent cause if so, so help me....." I fell back into the wall be hind me flinching. Glancing back at her I noticed Kiki had grabbed her arm. "Mom he isn't the guy...don't worry about it, he was taking care of ...Me..." her mom sighed. " he the same guy who smashed your computer? I got you a new one." Her eyes became watery at that. "Ummm...yea." Her mom sat down in the chair I was sitting in before. "I'm sorry baby girl...I thought this school would help you...I mean you only got two reports home for bad behavior...but I didn't think the school had that much worse kids...maybe we should move you to..." " no!" Kiki shouted surprising us both. She blushed looking away. "I...I I'm...I'm okay at this school...I really like it." Her mom raised an eye brow."I thought you didn't have any friends?" She shrugged "not...really but I like it here...I want to graduate here." "Umm...okay sweetheart...if you want..." she glanced at me again. "Who's he?" That made me even stop and think...what was I allowed to introduce myself as...I knew I really liked her and I've confessed my interest in her...but nether of us have really talked about it. I decided I'd just say I was a friend when Kiki spoke up. "Ummm...boyfriend..." she glanced my direction blushing deeper. "I...I think." Her mother laughed "you think. Did he not ask?" She shook her head "umm...not really it's sorta...complicated " She raised her eye brow. "I'm confused." "So am I..." "well then. What is your name?" I was speechless. Shit I forgot my name. Kiki was the complete opposite of her mom. Her mom was intimidating, and felt like one hell of a powerful woman who took no shit from anyone. "I...I forgot..." I stammered. She laughed. "You forgot your own name?" I nodded slowly trying not to brake eye contact. "He's funny." She laughed looking back to Kiki. "For real tho what's his name?" "Axel..." "oh! What a nice name axel, so what are you studying to become in school?" "Right now...umm I am a football player, so I'm not sure where I will go with that....but I've been interested in being a therapist. When I graduate..." she nodded. "Nice, good on you. Always important to have dreams. My daughter here is a real trouble maker... so what her file says...she doesn't really talk about it with me so I have to just take some random kids word on it." I nodded looking away. "Yea...I know." I didn't get why Kiki let all these terrible things others do be blamed on didn't look like her parents were abusing her. She didn't look like she hated her mom...did something happen, what silenced her? "Well it's good someone here is taking care of my baby." Her eyes didn't leave me tho, and what she was saying felt more like a threat. Like if I did anything...
"Mom...he really is a good guy, he's been helping me out a lot." She looked at her daughter and sighed. "Yea...but...last time you said that...." They shared a knowing look that had them both glancing at me. "Mom this is different...axel isn't Jeff, Jeff was a Dutch bag...axels sweet, he helps me out and hasn't done anything to make me question him." Her mom glared at me. " you better pray your nothing like her supposed best friend Jeff or I will personally reck your life, my baby girls already been Thro so much and I refuse to let the bad luck continue." She stood up walking toward me. The door opened again but this time only the doctor came in.

Kikis POV
I sat up in bed yawning. It had been a full week since that terrible day. My mom wanted me to came home and take some time off but I didn't want to go home, I just wanted to go back to school. Of course my principal just had to step in and tell me I was excused from all classes for the rest of the week. So I just laid in bed reading and thinking over what happened, what happened terrified me, to the point we're I didn't want to be around guys anymore, I even talked about the idea of going to an all girl school till I found out the all girl school was fare worst then this, girls raped each other on a daily basis. To my surprise....axel didn't seem to be lying when he said he really did like me. When he would come into the dorm he would make sure that I felt safe...and I did, I really did feel safe around him, I was still having a hard time believing he was a virgin but then again he was as shocked to know I was. I found that silly, what guy would date an emotional reck like me? I didn't like who I was, I didn't like the idea of axel dating me when I could reck such a perfect image. So I did the most stupidest thing I have ever done. That night I left the dorm before axel could return. I wear my best skinny jeans and a dark blue blouse. I heard there was going to be a party in the warehouse today. I was determined to be someone different tonight, I won't be afraid. I mean from what my doctor said...what do I have to loss.

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