This is christy

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Today we were cleaning out our dorms for the summer. A lot of he people in the dorms were going home for the summer and some were staying. The smart ones just packed up all the stuff and kept it like that cause during the summer the principal evaluates relationship and reasignes rooms to his liking. Some times it's good and some times the assigned rooms lead to death wishes. That's his goal, get everyone to get along. But most the time he signes the best pairing and a lot of them are married later on after graduation. I was packing up my clothes as axel came in from the hall were he had spent the last 30 minutes beating a rug with a stick to get the dust off. Every person was sweeping the contents of his/her room into the hall and sweeping it up into large garbage bins. It felt like the last day of camp when everyone packs up and helps clean for the next campers. He set the rug down in its box and grabbed a water handing it to Me. "Drink, it's important for you to stay hydrated." I laughed "no no. Your the one doing all the hard work, you drink your sweating." "Sweating cause I love you." He laughed kissing my head not taking it. "I'll go get more water." I laughed watching him go as I folded the last of my clothing and placed it in the box. Axel was taking me after our graduation to his parents for the weekend. Tonight he plans to Uhal our stuff to a storage place I guess. He wouldn't tell me he just said some were safe. I lightly trace a circle on my stomach as I look at all the boxes. I was showing a bit, but with my shirt on it's not as noticeable since most my clothes are baggy. Axel was excited. I was to...but I was also scared. I'm poor, he's rich. I always forget that because he doesn't act like it. He doesn't spend money like crazy, he priorities every thing and never spends over 70 dollars any were. He said he inherited it both from his dead grandfather and his parents which is a lot. But he also works for it. So he works in the family business. I was afraid to us his money...cause maybe he would leave me...feel like that's all I want. He told me he really doesn't care, that moneys just another worthless object. Not as important as the love he has for me. That made me cry that night. It was so sweet. I just don't have anything to give back. I sit down sighing as I drink the water. "Your going to have the best daddy little one...I really hope I will be around through it all." I was grateful my cancer was far away from my baby. Axel came in with a new case of water and handed me two more. I laughed "by the end of the day I'll have peed so much you could fill a pool." Axel sat next to me laughing. "Yea, I'm just keeping you healthy sorry." He frowned lightly touching my cheek. "You look flushed, let's go out and get some air, I'm sure all the chemicals being used isn't good for you or really anyone and there's not enough windows to keep the air fresh." So I followed him out of the dorms to the picnic tables. "Have you thought of some baby names?" He asked smiling. He looked excited to hear. I laughed. "Umm....sorta." "Okay, what girl name ideas do you have?" "Mmmm, I really love Zendaya...or Carlie." "Oh zendaya is cute! How about boy names?" I looked away. To be honest I wasn't really sure on names for either a boy or girl. I knew I wanted there names to mean something. He saw my hesitation. "Well I love the name zendaya, I thought about Lilian,Nataly, Kara or Zelda. For a boy I kinda really like the name...." He glanced away for a sec then looked back at me biting his lip "Umm...I like the name Carl." I paused. "We don't have to! I just..." "no....I love that idea." I breathed out smiling. "It's cute." He smiled taking my hands. "Ready to walk?" I nodded. Axel has an amazing speech. With his help I was graduating a lot sooner then I expected. Now I just needed my degree. I might do that online. "I know we are visiting your family...but we're are we staying the summer? Are we staying there all summer? I'd hate to feel like I'm over staying my welcome...maybe..." "honey I promise, your not over staying any welcome, your family now, you can walk through those doors now without even calling, my parent will love you. I promise don't worry about it, your in my care now. And I'll always make sure your at your best." "Hey Axel!" We both jumped. Before I could even see who it was, I could smell her. She was all up in my personal bubble as she basically pushed me over on the bench so she could be in front of axel. He looked completely taken back for a second. "How have you been?" She asked twirling her hair between her fingers. Looking at him I can see the annoyance in his eyes. "Fine actually, I was just talking to my girlfriend." She laughed "oh yea sure, you can share right?" She said looking at me as she bats her eyes. Never understand this gesture, makes her look like she has something in her eyes. Before I could say anything she continued. "Any ways I was wondering if you would like to come spend the week at my place, my parents plan to come over and what not, bet it will be lots of fun." She winked. As much as she bothered me I wasn't really jealous. She was far more prettier then me yes. But I was real, and if he wanted to be with someone like that I have no right to tell him no till we are married. I just smirked in victory silently saying to myself "he proposed to me bitch sorry."  "Actually no I have my own plans thank you, I'm introducing my soon to be wife to my parents, I'm sorry but I'm not even remotely into you... so stop trying." He warned getting up and taking my hand as we walk away from her bewildered face. "I'm sorry..." he whispered. "I didn't mean to tell her...I'm just so tired of her trying know." I kiss his hand laughing. "That was funny, never expected you to loss your cool like that again, it's fine, I didn't care about any of it. I trust you, you picked me." He looked at me stoping as he took me in his arms. "Your amazing." He mumbled kissing my four head all the way down to my chine then finally kissed me long on the lips.

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