What is your name?

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                 Neve in my wildest dream did I imagine such a sight.

Axels POV
The girl before me was a sight to see. Food was caked all over her and you could see the milk shakes dry up in her hair. "Kiki right?" The girl seemed to jump at my voice. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you...are you okay?" She nodded slowly but I didn't believe her. Blood was dripping from her hand onto the floor. "Oh my Gosh! Did brad do that to you?" I reached for her hand but she pulled away. I noticed her glasses were in that hand...but they were broken. The glass must have hurt her. "I'm very sorry for brads actions....I thought....I thought since it's been a while that brad had maybe, changed..." she didn't respond. She seemed frozen in place. "Ummm....I was asked to help you clean up, why don't we take you to your dorm to change and clean up, everything will be okay I promise." She slowly got up nodding. "Follow me"

Kikis POV
I found it very hard to believe that I was actually following the Axel MacCall. I may not have been here long but I already knew who was number one at that school and it was axel. Cutest, richest, coolest football player, and all the girls here bragged about there potential at getting him in there pants or that he's already been in there pants. I found it very easy to believe. I mean come on what hot guy doesn't have fuck boy written all over his face! Sadly I to found him hot. I'd be an idiot to try to tell myself I didn't. He has such blond wavy hair that was trimmed very short on the sides and back, while the middle had a little Length to it. His eyes were such a light blue that they were noticeable from far away. When he smiles you can see his two dimples, and he has such an amazing build to him. Axel was some how perfect in many ways but I wasn't buying it. Guys like him take advantage of his looks and who knows, he could be a real ass hole. I had no idea why I was following this guy, he said I should go to my dorm but shouldn't he be following me? I glanced up once watching as a male and female enter a room making out. I bit my lip sighing. I didn't get how those two always went into that room together, even by themselves. I keep seeing males and females in this area...I mean wasn't this the girls dorm? Wait why was he take me here? I was surprised as he stopped in-front of my dorm! He reached into his pocket pulling out his keys. Wait a damm minute did the principal just give this guy my room key? I haven't cleaned up yet. I was suppose to tonight cause I was told my roommate should be back today. I found it odd when I first moved in. I must be sharing a room with a major tomboy cause the other half of my roommates side is all boy stuff. I was surprised as the door opened. I followed him in blushing slightly. I couldn't believe this guy was seeing the mess I am, what if he told all his friends about this. I could feel tears running down my face again, this has been the most humiliating day of my life. He closed the door walking to my roommates side of the rom and opened a drawer on the dresser. I wanted to tell him that wasn't his stuff but I couldn't say anything! Fuck this anxiety. I looked down at the ground quickly when he pulled his shirt off. What was he doing! Please don't tell me he doesn't plan to fuck me. I have to get out of here, I was not doing this. Just cause we are all adults doesn't mean we can have sex when ever we want! I felt his hand on my shoulder. "Kiki...you okay?" I looked up. To my surprise he had a new shirt on. It was black. "Ummm....that's not yours?" "Huu? What's not mine? This shirt...ummm yea it is. This is my side of the dorm." That made my eyes widen "w....wh....what!? Th...that can't be...this is my dorm...." He nodded. "Yea I know." "Bu...but your a male...shouldn't there be a male dorm?" "Oh...right not everyone is accustomed to these rules. Marine university of Ohio is a school not owned by the government. The rules are very different and that is why you must be 17 to like 25 to attend. It is a rule that one girl and one boy room together unless told other wise. Mr. smith makes the rules, even created the school and some how his school is number one, the youngest school ever to turn to be the best." I bit my lip holding back my cry of fear. This was by far the worst day ever. I'm in so much trouble. I should call my mom and beg her to go to a different school. He took my hand by surprise pulling my broken glasses free. "Why don't you change, next class starts in ten and I don't want you to be late because of my awful friend." Awful? I turned to my dresser pulling my shirt off sheepishly. I was careful to keep my back towards axel. I grabbed a shirt and walked into the bathroom closing the door. I felt like I was hyperventilating. My chest hurt greatly of pain. I turned on the shower pulling the rest of my clothes off and getting in.

Axels POV
I waited on my bed for Kiki to come out. I thought I could hear her crying a few times, but I knew it was not right to listen in. She deserves her privacy. I held a med kit in My hands as she finally came out of the bathroom. She wear a black baggy shirt with dark purple sweat pants. I couldn't help but examine her. She was a skinny girl with...with such big boobs, her thighs were thick and it drove my mind nuts. She had such red hair...I believe it was a strawberry red. She has full lips that look really soft. Freckles were sprayed across her cheeks and nose, her teeth had light blue braces....and I caught her eyes last. They were a sea green. I bit my lip feeling my breath catch. "Shit...your beautiful." Her cheeks turned a dark red as she looked at the floor, letting her hair fall in her face. "Ummm...thanks." She whispered. Her voice snapped me out of my trance. Crap I said that out loud! "N...no problem...ummm come here and hold out your hands." She held out her hands. They were scratched up. I take her right hand and lightly poke at it with a needle checking for any glass. She flinched a few time as I found a few peace's and pushed them out. Lastly I wrapped it up. "There you go....like I said earlier I'm real sorry about brad." She shrugged. "I'm use to it." It came out in such a small whisper I almost didn't hear it. I frowned a little "about that...why did you let those jerks do that to you?" She looked away shrugging. "Ummm...I...I don't know...or care." "Didn't look like it...do you always let people degrade you like that?" She shrugged turning away as she gathered her books off her bed. "Kiki I don't want you to let those guys do that again, they will..." she sighed. "It's fine. I'm use to it." I grabbed her arm. "Kiki I'm for real!" She pulled her arm away fast and left the room. I sighed, I knew for a fact that she was for sure brads new target, wouldn't put it past him to see if he could get to a pretty girl like her...knowing him I wouldn't be surprised if he drove her crazy... maybe even to suicidal. I had to do everything in my power to stop that.
I glanced at the floor were she left her shirt and picked it up noticing it had blood on it. But it was bloody up he arm. "What the..."

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