His dreams

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Kikis POV
I ran down the hall getting as far from my room as I could. My anxiety was sadly getting the best of me. Why was the most popular guy in the whole school so worried about me. I'm nobody compared to him. My heart was beating like hell and I knew I would never be able to control it around him. Why must I be so stupid! Why do i have to be like every idiot girl here and fall for the one person I don't have a prayer with. Fuck! I forgot my sweater...now I have to go to class without it. I heard off to class sliding into my seat. "Well if it isn't food face! How are you?" I almost pissed myself....was that...the class erupted into laughter. I just kept my head down on my desk and my hands in my lap. My hair was really curly falling in my face. Brad pushed me out of my desk laughing. "Ops sorry, thought I told you that was my desk." I nodded quickly and fell back as something hard hit my face. Thank god I put contacts in instead of my spare glasses or he would have broken my last pare. My trashy computer lays next to me broken in half the screen glass sprayed across my hand. Did my books and computer hit me that hard? I realized I was in a daze. My nose was gushing blood all over me. Had he thrown my stuff at me? I scramble to my knees in front of my computer as tears fell down my face. "No..." I whispered trying to hold back my sobbing...but I couldn't. I lay across the broken peace's sobbing , I couldn't believe it's broken...no...no...no. Angry I got to my feet and shouted "you bastard!" With out thinking I swing hard punching him in the face. I was surprised my anxiety let me do that... but that computer was very important to me...it had all my brothers beautiful writing an it...now it's gone forever. "You bitch!" He got up pulling me by the hair and throwing me. I slammed into a desk flipping over it. I grown. Thank god I was flexible. My anger burned out a little but not enough to let my anxiety let me freeze up. Brad walked up to me looking pissed. He whipped a small drop of blood onto his sleeve and scowled. "Who the fuck do you think you are bitch," "maybe she's stupid." Laughed some girl. I bit my lip, jokes on that blond bitch, I'm most likely smarter then both of them put together...well maybe not right now. "That...was my brothers." I stammer out slowly getting up. Bad idea. He pushed me hard again causing me to fall backwards into someone who also pushed me away, back into brad and I guess it became a game cause before I knew it I was being thrown back and forward un able to stable myself enough for it to stop. I thought there was more smart kids then bad kids....I thought I was the only one filed under both? Not everyone is this whole damm school. I cried out when they thought it would be funny to catch me by my hair. It seemed like forever when it finally stoped. Some one caught me. I slowly look up fearing the worst. I was in brads arms. He was still laughing. "You know what I don't feel like this game anymore." He pushed my hair out of my face. A lot of blood was drying up in my hair and still more dripped  from my nose. He stared me in the eyes with a smirk. "Damm your some what cute, what do you say we stop with this silly little game for a bit and go to my dorm to clean up." I flinched at his touch. He had me pulled so close that I could feel his hard dick. My heart raced. Oh fuck. I need to do something fast, non of these people would help me if I told him no...and I knew if I said no he'd drag me away any ways. Quickly I kneed him in the crotch hard and felt as he recoiled. "Fuck!" He cried almost falling over. With that I ran. When I got to the door I ran into someone who was entering. It was Mr.Cameron the math teacher. "What in the world...." He trailed off as he saw me. I didn't stick around long enough for him to question me. I was done with the day, I was going to skip my last two classes and just go to bed. When I got close to my room I let myself let the rest of my sadness and frustration kick in, I cried. And that's all I wanted to do. So when I got into my dorm I cleaned the blood off my face, changed my shirt for the second time this day, got a damp cloth to hold to my nose so I can try to stop the bleeding and got under the covers on my bed.

Axels POV
By last hour a new rumor about someone attacking brad went around. All I could do was roll my eyes. Wether this was a new rumor or the one made up at lunch I didn't know, I just knew these rumors were getting rather annoying . Courtney was sitting next to my in chem staring at me again. "Heeeeey axel, got any plans tonight?" I glanced at her as she batted her eyes. "No" I mumbled looking away. I don't get girls, Courtney had a pretty face but she recked it so much wearing pounds of makeup. I won't lie she was pretty but she definitely wasn't my type. She had blond hair and hazel eyes, she was skinny and had an okay sized chest but I didn't go for looks, heck breast size was last on my list.Courtney was no doubt 100% fake and fake people was a real turn off for me. You could be the most attractive girl on the world talking to me in such a flirty voice and if I felt a hint of fake in you I'd turn away. I maybe 19 and considered an adult but I was still a teen, I had sexual desires, but I've also grown some from the teen mentality of dating every attractive girl I meet. Then again I never did in the first place. I was never into the idea of losing my virginity till I was at least 20 or married to the girl of my dreams. Anyways Courtney was such a gossip girl. I knew she spreader around the school that she and I had sex more then once. I once cared that she would say such things to people and tried to tell everyone she was lying  but I didn't give a shit any more, what did I care what all these awful people thought. "Want to come over latter and watch something? Or we could go to your place." "Courtney I live in the dorms like the rest of you." She frowned "really? I would have thought you would have bought a nice place near campus with all the money you have, that's what I did." I rolled my eyes. I didn't care what she thought. I wanted to live in the dorms, it was so much more convenient then living off campus. "What room?" I laughed that was going to be the last thing I told her. Last year when we first meet I told her where my dorm was and she showed up all the time when she was drunk (which was like almost everyday) and tried to fuck me. It was most likely why she thought we did it all the time. It was also the most uncomfortable thing to witness, so I never talked about it. The students here are trashy, fuckers, who have so much potential in there life but throw it away. " non of your business." Her bottom lip popped out as she pouted "oh come on axel don't be a party pooper, besides I'm the only one here who's even close to your league." I scowled "you don't get to determine who's in my league." The bell rang and I got up leaving Courtney. It was 10:30 at night and I was done with everyone's shit. I rushed to my dorm careful to avoid everyone. When I opened the door the lights were out and I turned them on forgetting I now shared a room with someone. Closing the door I pulled off my shirt throwing it on the floor next to my bed, dropped my bag, kicked off my shoes and fell into bed groaning. That's when I noticed Kiki. She laid motion less on her bed. Her eyes had purple bags under them...and she had a frown across her beautiful face. Looks like she been a sleep for a bit cause she had completely kicked her blanket off in this hot room exposing what she was wearing. I bit my lip trying to look away. She wear an outfit that must have been only for her eyes. It was a crop top tank top that exposed half her stomach and outlined her breasts, and shorts that were very short. I blushed trying to calm my heart. I get up and turned the lights off and pulled off my pants crawling into bed. Gosh I really hope she doesn't dress like that every night...

Kikis POV
I jumped awake hearing a noise. I stayed frozen in bed as that noise came again. Someone was moaning . I sighed, must be the people next door again...it sounded muffled. I sat up a little frowning as the sound came once more. That sounded way to close that it couldn't be coming from next door. I blinked sleep from my eyes and got out of bed quickly turning the lights on. I rubbed my eyes and when I opened them I saw someone in the bed that's been empty this whole week. It was axel! I had complete forgotten from the stress of the day that he was now my roommate. My arms crossed in front of me covering my exposed stomach. I couldn't help but move a little closer to examine him. I blushed looking away quickly. His blond hair was sticking up (bed head) and he had most his clothes off. He lied on his stomach and his blanket had fallen expoing him. I now knew were the source of the moans were coming from...I shouldn't be here...this was something personal...I don't think I was suppose to see this. He was asleep...masterbating...he must be having a wet dream. I bit my lip turning the lights off again and going into the bathroom we're I sat silently against the wall feeling embarrassed about what I just witnessed.

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