Ive never felt so Embarrassed

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Axels POV
My hand lightly circled her nipple on her left breast with one hand, as I held her right leg to my side with the other. Her moans of delight escaped her lips as they were pressed so fearsomely against my own, like at any moment I'd pull away and never kiss her again. Being as gentle as I could, I thrusted into her moaning into the kiss as well as her walls came down on my hard member. Her fingers in twined in my hair tightened. Her naked body pressed to mine felt so nice, and I could not help but whisper teasing words into her ear, feeling as she shivered in my arms from each word. This feeling was unreal, the amount of pleasure I felt made me feel so overwhelmed. I lightly bit her neck as her walls come down hard again and I grown as I reach my limit. I could hear a light beeping noise. I picked up my head frowning at the sound. I realized I was in a vast white room that doesn't seem to end. Blinking I jumped sitting up abruptly in bed. Light was shining threw the window and my hand was half way in my underwear covered in cum. I grabbed for my Fallen blanket looking all around. Shit! I can't really remember the last time I had one of those dreams, I've been to busy with school and sports that I wasn't interested in dating. That and I definitely wasn't interested in all the slut girls here. I noticed that Kiki wasn't here. Please tell me I didn't moan in my sleep...or that she saw me. She probably already thinks I'm some fuck boy and having one of those dreams in the night might just confirm it for her. I scramble out of bed and head into the bath room we're I shower and get dressed. When I got out of the bathroom Kiki was in her bed staring at her computer screen most likely doing work. She must have attended an early class. My cheeks turned red as I looked at my phone. My first class wasn't for another hour and I definitely didn't want to go down to the cafeteria for breakfast, I just didn't want to deal with brads shit right now. I notice she wasn't using her own computer like the other day in class but a school computer. Where was hers? She also had a black eye. Where did that come from? I bit my lip sitting on my bed. Was Bradley beating Kiki? "Good morning" I say. I watched as Kikis cheeks turned a bright red. My heart raced at the sight. Why was she so fucking cute? I cris-crossed on my bed trying to keep myself calm. "Where is your computer?" I jumped a little as her face fell so quickly. Tears even started to fall from her eyes. "In that bag." She whispered pointing to a trash bag on the ground. I couldn't help but move towards it and look into it. "What happened? It's broken." She whipped her nose on her sleeve and I look up as she sobbed. "Bradley...broke it." I stood up and sat next to Kiki pulling her into a hug. Her body tensed in my arms but she relaxed a little when she noticed I was not letting go and kept sobbing. "What's wrong?" I whispered pushing hair from her face. I let my thumb lightly run across her black eye whipping the tears away. She didn't pull away from my touch, it was almost like she was leaning into it. I bit my lip pulling my hand away. Wo there axel don't get ahead of yourself, she might not even like me, she's just a hurting female in need of affection, don't think it's anything else. "That was my brothers lap top." She mumbled between breaths of air. I slowly stocked her hair waiting for the story. "My...my brother Carl....he died last year...on his plane ride home from collage...he was visiting for Christmas...the plane was caught in a storm and fell out of the sky...he didn't survive...they managed to pull everyone's dead relatives stuff from the reck...my brother was a writer...and he loved writing things for me...he promised to finally show me all his work himself...but when I got his computer he wasn't there to show me..." she laughed a little "his password was my name." I bit my lip again.her brother and her must have been very close...this must really hurt Kiki...he died a year ago...she said he died a day before Christmas Eve basically, so it hasn't been a year yet but that was technicality's, which isn't important to mention. I couldn't believe Bradley broke it. "Brad broke it?" "Sorta...my face broke it when he threw it at me." She laughed a little at that whipping her face on her sleeve. "I'm such a mess..." she mumbled holding her knees to her chest and letting her hair fall in her face again. I wish she's didn't hide her beautiful face all the time. I lean in pushing her hair back out of her face and giving her a warm smile. As much as I wanted to rush over to brads room and beat the hell out of him, I wanted to comfort Kiki more. I pulled her closer feeling as her head falls into my chest. She fit perfectly into my arms. I felt stupid for pulling her closer cause now I'm sure she could hear my ecstatic heart beat. Damm if I'm not careful I might erect myself and that would be very embarrassing considering she's pressed so close... I shake my head. " I'm sorry to hear that brad did that to your....wait...did he do this to your face?" She tried to look away but she didn't really have any were to look beside at her hands. "Yea..." I could feel my hands flex. He's so dead. I am so done with his bull shit, first he completely humiliated Kiki, then he hurts her. So much for showing Kiki what a gentleman looks like. Was I being a gentleman right now? With my mind having different intentions with the way I touched her. I should probably pull away before my thoughts started to physically share with Kiki on how I felt,but she felt so good in my arms. It made me feel calm and collected. Kikis head rested against my chest. "Your heart is loud." She whispered blushing deeply. I laughed a little. My nerves were going to get the best of me I just know it. "Yea...it naturally does that." Resting my head on top of hers I didn't let go. She began to sob again for a while. I stayed quite not trusting my thoughts or words. Unfortunately from her shifting, she would rub to much against me and I couldn't stop the inevitable. I knew she could feel it by the way she froze up and let out a little gasp. My cheeks turned a deep red. I should have just let her go and got up at that moment but we were both frozen seeming to not want to acknowledge it. I'm such an idiot to believe I don't get turned on by people easily. Well this is karma smacking me in the face, proving me wrong. Kiki looked rather uncomfortable...like she didn't know what to do. I was about to let her go and just get up when she took in a deep breath to release some of her nerves and leaned in closer. It was to much of a surprise for me and like a complete idiot a slight embarrassed moan left my mouth. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! She jumped from the sound getting up. "I'm so sorry!...I ...I didn't want to embarrass you..." I looked away rubbing my neck. "It's fine...I should be sorry...that was very rude of me...so un gentleman like...I shouldn't have been doing that..." we both sat in awkward silents. "Ummm...can I ask you something...?" I glanced at her bitting my lip. This awkwardness was more uncomfortable then my erection in skinny jeans. "Sure..." she glanced down a little and I could tell the question was going to be based on my discomfort. "Di...did I cause that..." I smirk a little. "Ummm...we'll it depends on what you mean...moving the way you did on any guy does that...I could have been thinking about someone else...I could have been thinking of you...I could be sexually attracted to you..." she blushed looking away. "Sorry...I didn't mean to do that..." I laughed a little. " why do you assume it's not the other ones." "Oh...because you were thinking of Courtney?" I stuck my tongue out. "She's so fake, I could never date her." Her eyes went to her lap and she bit her lip. "I don't think your telling the truth...the other ones are a definite no..." I frown "what are you talking about?..." she shrugged "I'm an eye sore...." Being a gentleman seemed to be thrown right out the window at that very moment cause I wanted to prove her wrong. I knew personally that I was a dominant male, sure I've never done anything to another girl to prove it but I had such a dominant protective nature. I grabbed her face in my hands and without even asking I pressed my lips to hers. I could feel her body freeze again. Damm I was on a roll making her freeze up like that.I should have thought about this more before doing this cause I've never kissed someone before and I never wanted to throw my first kiss out the door but I really liked Kiki and I refuse to let her think she had no chance with anyone, especially me. I pulled away a little so I could look her in the eyes. "Kiki you are a beautiful woman, anyone who would tell you different are blind ass holes who don't know what beauty is." Her cheeks were red again. When she didn't pull away but looked back at my lips I took that as an okay to kiss her again cause I really wanted to. This time I kissed her slower feeling the warmth of her lips on mine. Her lips were so soft I couldn't help but explore them pulling myself closer to her, and kissing her deeper. I could feel how nervous she was from the way her lips shook against mine. I adjusted a little pulling her onto my lap as we kissed. She was panting at this point and that was a good sign that I was doing okay. I felt her tongue lightly touch my tongue. I didn't hesitate to open wider and let her in. My tongue traces her teeth and she moaned more into the kiss. I pull way panting a little. Fuck...my control was not at the best at the moment. My hands had found there way to her hips, and I wanted nothing but to pull it off her. "Kiki...I'm very attracted to you...and not just your looks...I don't know you well but I want to know you...I want to know every part of you." She looked so hazy for a minute "you sure...cause our emotion seems to be all over the place...it could just be..." I shut her up pressing my lips to her s again and mumbled "fucking stop that Kiki... your beautiful...sexy even...your eyes alone have so much wonder in them...it's just hidden under all your insecurities..." her face was completely red. She lightly bits her lip. "I think it's best...that I am insecure ..." I push her hair out of her face again. "Why?" I whispered. "I'm a teen...who could possibly be really horny.." one of her hands slowly find its way to my face and I jump a little...her hand was placed on my upper thigh so close...so close to my erection making me moan a little. "Well fuck...me to...but I don't plan on losing my virginity yet..." she raised an eye brow "your a virgin..." she mumbled against my lips. I nodded. "Yes...I swear on my life..."

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