What were you thinking

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Axels POV
When my late night class was over I was basically running to the dorm. I had a surprise for Kiki. I had taken the peace's of her lap top and fixed it. I didn't tell her but my dad dabbled in computer building so I new how to disassemble a computer all the way and put it back together in my sleep. I had to replace some parts and fix the screen. But the best part was that all the programs and software were completely safe. I found that her password was her brothers name and I checked that there was some files of something that looked like a story just to make sure that I wasn't giving her false hope. I found over 1,000 different files of writing. I held the wrapped computer in my hands as I opened the door. I frowned. "Kiki?" I called confused. The bathroom was empty. That's when I noticed the note on the table. It basically said she went out. Hmm...strange Kiki went out? I set the gift down and sat on my bed wondering were she could possible be at at this ungodly hour. That's when my phone buzzed. It was my friend zeek. I sighed answering it. "What's up?" I could hear so much noise in the background, he must be at another party. "Yo! You have to come to this party it's so rad!" I rolled my eyes sighing. "Your drunk off your ass again aren't you." "Hell yea man this wouldn't be any fun if I wasn't." I stand up grabbing my coat. "Im only coming so you wake up in your room this time instead of some dudes place again." "Your no fun, the whole team is here." "The fuck zeek, no one is the driver?" "No...no one comes to this party to not have some fun." I hang up sighing. Great now I'm the responsible one who has to give all those dumb fucks a ride. I rush down to my car only imaging the shit they have already done. I was watching social media as I drove knowing any minute there would be some drunk ass video online. When I got there I went searching around for my friends. Only I didnt really search. I wasnt in the mood to really look, so I leaned against the wall and turned on my phone scrolling through social media. I jumped when the music was turned up. "Yo! Axel! Nice of you to...join us." I looked up. Jim came stumbling over. "Here have a drink." "Na...I'm good. When does this party end?" He shrugged "who knows...." he turned to the crowd of cheering dancing people and cheered as well. I was wondering why they were so interested in the middle of the room. I pushed through the crowd. In the middle of the crowd was a shirtless girl dancing on a table. The crowd cheered load for her as she did some rather sexual dances. I sighed going to look away cause I found it ridiculous when woman find males to think there just sex toys but then go sexualize themselves like that, just drives me nuts. Only before I could completely get the girl out of view her hair flipped out of her face and came into the white light for a minute and I realized her hair was red! I frowned turning towards her again, and truly studied her. Only a few times did her face full come into view throught the smoke and crazy colored lights but it was enought for me to notice that it was kiki! "Excuse me." I shouted at people pushing through. "Kiki!!!" I yelled grabbing her arm. She pushed her sweat covered hair out of her face laughing. "Oh!!! Axel, I didnt know you were coming to." I looked her up and down and gasped. "You....your wasted." She laughed swaying to the music. How was she still standing. "Everything spins so fasssst hahaha!" I pulled her off the table holding her to my chest. I pulled off my coat and put it on her. She took a side of it and shoved it to her face laughing still. "Oh, this smells like axel...I wonder what hes doing..." some girl passed her another drink and she started to drink it but I took it. "Okay no more for you,I'm surprised your still standing...what are you doing here?...this isn't like you." She shrugged "mmmmm....I just dont like my self, wanted to try something different, besides I like this guy but hes so much more popular then me...I need a new image so I dont destroy his." I frowned. "How could you think that...kiki you dont need to change...wait...crap, right your drunk..." I sighed picking her up and carrying her to the other side of the room. "Oh! Nice view." She giggled. I jumped as her hands gripped my butt. I bit my lip and kept walking. "Weeeeee!" Shes going to have one hell of a hang over tomorrow. "Kiki...how much did you drink?" "Ummmm....I dont know....how much does 10 beer bottles hold?" "Ten beers!?" I set her down holding her steady. "I think it's time to go home." "Awww! Your such a party pooper. There's still so much to do." I shake my head. I lead her outside and she complains the whole time. "I dont want to go! he's the rabbit ! I swear He also bites." I couldn't help but laugh alittle. I help her into the car and get in as well. I felt kinda sad... why would kiki do this...shes never been drunken before, why start now. She pouted in her seat pulling on the coat she was wearing. "This is no fun, we're is the music...dancing...oh I know..." she leaned over to me and grabbed my shirt. "Wait...wer... hey look birds!" I held her close to my chest and took off. "Hey you smell like this jacket!" I jumped almost swerving the car as her hand slips from my chest and presses hard against my dick. I winced. But she didnt seem to notice as she pulls at my shirt pressing in closer to smell me. "He...hey...HAY! Watch it kiki, I'm trying to drive...sit down correctly." It was getting really hard to focuse as she rubbed her face against my chest. My face was on fire. "Whys your chest so hard..." she mumbled and before I could push her away her hands slide up my shirt. I pulled over quickly and slamed the brakes. "Kiki please you are being a rather big distraction for me...I cant drive when your doing that." I pull her hands away, trying not to look at her face. What an awful time to be turned on by her. "Your not driving." Some how she slid out of her seat belt and some how got into my lap pressing so close to me as she kissed me. I pushed her away panting hard. "Kiki...kiki stop..." her lips presses against mine again and I could see her eyes close as tears run down her face. I griped her arms pushing her away but still holding her close. "Hey...what's wrong??"
She begins to sob. Alarmed I held her face in my hands. "Sweetheart....what's wrong?" She shakes her head "my brother died." She was a mess after saying that. She says it's been a year since he passed...does that mean she hasn't had time to talk about it or greave over it? I listened as she began sobbing about all these things she could have done to save him, or even to be with him more.I tried to reassure her that is wasn't her fault but she wasn't having it. I pulled her into my chest letting her wrap her arms around me. "Let's get you back to the dorm okay." I mumble "please no funny business." I knew I had to get over the fact that she was in my lap, or that she kept rubbing her face on my chest. As long as she didn't lift her head we are good. I drove as safely as I could getting back to the dorm. Some how Kiki was still awake so I carried her out of the car. Only problem was that she was giggling again. Great how am I going to get her back to the dorm without waking anyone, we're not even really allowed to leave or be out this late. Everyone sneaks in and out while drunk but they don't get caught some how. Most Likely because they all stay the night at the frap house. Kiki wobbles on her feet next to me. "Yo! Look at those lights!" She laughed attempting to run for them. "Kiki! Shhhhh we're not supposed to be out this late." I grabbed her around the wast pulling her close. She laughed shushing me. "Oh! Shhhhh! Hahaha that's a fun sound to make. Shhhhhh." I sighed "come on...but we have to be quite." "The quite game?! I love that game." She takes in a deep breath and closed her mouth holding in an air bubble. I smirked "wrong game sweet." She still held her breath with her eyes closed. I took that chance to guide her into the building and to the elevator. Once we were in the elevator she finally let go gasping for air and laughing again. "I win! How long was that!?" I shrugged "3 minutes good job." The elevator opened to the floor we needed to be on. I grabbed her hand and smiled "okay keep up." I knew how to handle drunk people. I knew I had to get her distracted enough that she would only stay giggling and nothing else so I ran holding her hand. She stumbled after surprised at first but was soon laughing enjoying this rush. I pulled the key from my pocket and let go of her hand quickly unlocking the door. Pulling her in side I sighed closing the door. "That was surprisingly easy. But you and me are going to have a conversation about this tomorrow, that was really reckless Kiki, you could have willingly had sex with like five different people! How drunk are you? Please tell me you only drank, you didn't like smoke anything or snort something right? Your mom will kill me I just know it." She only stares at me blankly. I rolled my eyes sighing. "Never mind." She go's to take off the coat and I jump grabbing her hands. "Kiki are you trying to make me have a heart attack." "I'm just taking this hot coat off silly." I blush "I know, but your not wearing a shirt." She gabled the front of my shirt and with out warning fell backwards. I gasped falling on top of her, on her bed. Laughing she says "I have a boyfriend you naughty boy." "You pulled me with you...he...hey..." shivers ran down my spin as she rubbed her nose on my neck inhaling my sent. "K..Kiki...stop that." I mumbled going to get up but she wrapped her arms and legs around me weighing me down. She began to lightly bit my neck and I groaned "kiki...stop...stop! I mean it." She didn't stop tho. I was completely off guard not believing she could be so forceful. "Fuck...Kiki...please stop...I can only say no for so...long." I moan trying to pull away. I felt her lips travel up my neck and I knew I was doomed. But I refuse to fuck her, I don't want her waking up feeling regret because she's horny while drunk, I'm sure she doesn't know this since it's her first time. With the strength I had I got up and laid down on my bed throwing the covers over us hoping that this will only be a nice make out before falling asleep.

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