This was by far the most emotional day ever

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Kikis POV
I sat at my desk in science covering my face in embarrassment. My cheeks were on fire. There is no way that was real. Just about an hour ago I was in bed with the most popular boy in the whole school making out. I just didn't believe it...we had to be high on hormones cause I just don't believe it. Axel had eventually had me pined to the bed making out with me but he was also the one to end it getting up. He was out of breath and his face a deep red. "I...I'm ummm erection is starting to hurt in these jeans..." I had nodded siting up a little wanting so much more then his kisses. He got up going to the bathroom. That's when I decided to get up and fix myself up, grab my things, and head to my next class. Now I sat completely embarrassed in my seat really hoping no one noticed. Mr.rave was lecturing us on some kind of cells, which I already knew about. I let my hands fall to my lap tugging on my skirt a bit. I didn't really own skinny jeans or jeans really. Just a verity of skirts, slacks, and sweat pants. My skirts never passes my knees which is strange for someone like me...but I really liked skirts, it made me feel nice despite my insecurities. "Mis. Clare, I asked if you can tell me what this is?" I glanced up. "'s an isotope sir..." he nodded "good, now why don't you come here and label this cell." I pull myself up keeping my head down. I tripped a lot over out stretched legs, kids snickered over it. Thank goodness brad wasn't in this class...I didn't want to face plant. I finally got to the front and solved his cell quickly and rushed back to my seat jumping over there legs. Sitting down I once again keep letting my first kiss run threw my head. I kinda wished I had the chance to feel up his shirt, cause I knew that would never happen again. I jumped at the sound of the bell. "Alright! Homework's on page 167-170 due tomorrow." I grabbed my things and hurried off again to my next class. I couldn't stop my mind from wondering around to axel...I was really worried axel was playing me, he could tell everyone around the school that I was a virgin, or that my kissing sucked or that I was....anything I told him! I can't believe he's my room mate...he can make my life a living...AAAAHHH. A hand covered my mouth and I was pulled from the hall into a class room. I hit my head on the side of the door wincing. "Hello bitch." I shivered trying to brake free from his grip. I screamed into brads hand trying to draw attention but my screen was muffled and no one was around. Fuck.... Brad turned me around removing his hand to gag me. Tears fell from my eyes. I never had to be afraid of being jumped in all my other schools...well to get beat up that is...but I knew that wasn't his intention. He had this awful smile on his face. "How could such a bitch look so good, I will never know." His hand slid up my shirt and I thrashed around screaming more. I didn't want him touching me. I tried pushing him away but that only helped him in his quest to remove my shirt. I fell to the ground curling into a ball. He turned my shirt in his hands laughing. "Hmmm, feisty little one you are, don't worry I can be ruff to." I sobbed shaking my head. "Wow what nice boobs you have." He laughed pinning my to the ground. I could physically feel that he was ready to do me right here, right now and I didn't want this. I tried pushing him away, this was a terrible time to be wearing a skirt. He ruffly tugged it off. "Oh come on baby you know you want it, it will be fun promise." He smiled down at me as he slowly undoes his belt, dragging it out as I wiggle under him screaming my head off. I closed my eyes as he reached in to retrieve his friend. I didn't want to see it...I only ever wanted to see my partners for the first time...I wanted to save my first time...with someone I loved. My sobbing was out of control, I wasn't ready to loss my virginity...I was so proud that I could honestly say I'm a 18 year old virgin, heck I wanted to make it to 20. Not because no ones done it...but because I was hoping to be married by then, to be able to tell my spouse that he will always have all of him I was only loyal to him. Now some ass hole who is pissed at me is going to take that from me...I can't stand the thought of that. "Nice red hairs you have, curly like your hair." I jumped at the touch of his fingers. "No way! Your a virgin! Well this is gonna be fun." I kicked hard trying to get free but he only pressed closer holding me down. His erection pressed against me avoiding my kicks. "Man red heads are so feisty." "What the hell is going on in here?" I opened my eyes panicked. As much as I begged for someone to come and save me...I didn't want to be seen like this, hands tied behind my back, gaged...only thing on me was my bra...I think I'd prefer the other way around honestly. Brad got up. "Sorry sir...ummm...we were just having some fun...I didn't think anyone would be here right now." I couldn't get up, all I could do was bring my knees up. "Fun! This poor girl looks so frightened!" He got down next to me grabbing my shirt and throwing it over me as he pulled the gag out of my mouth. "Are you alright dear?" I nodded slowly sitting up as he untied me. I could already tell some how brad was going to get away from this. Embarrassed I gather my clothes pushing myself away from them both hitting against the desk. "This could not have been some weird kinks this generation seems to enjoy, that girl looks scared out of her mind, you have some explaining to do, now." I sat there holding my clothes close as brad looked my way. I hear the door open and a voice I knew spoke. "Sir? You asked for me...." I glanced up and axel looked up from his papers at me. His eyes widened as he looked from me to brad to the teacher. "Kiki! What happened!?" He dropped to my side taking my face in his hands. "When I walked in this guy was on top of her...she was tied up." The teacher said. Axel looked into my eyes whipping my cheeks with his sleeve. He got back up looking very pissed. "What the hell is wrong with you brad! I don't get you, first you degrade her in front of everyone, then I hear you smashed her computer! Now this! Look at her! She's traumatized! We're you trying to fuck her?..." brad smirked "no shit, she's hot what did you expect." I glanced up seeing his fists ball up. "What the fuck brad! Did you even ask her? Did you consider the fact that she might not want to!?" He laughed "of course she did, besides it looks like she's a virgin, what 18 year old isn't begging for action." I watched as axel dropped his bag and stuff looking shocked at first but then looked so pissed I almost started to cry in fear. "You touched her!!!?" I jumped as axel attacked brad punching the smirk right off his face. He fell back against the table and scowled "what the hell axe! What is wrong with you? Why are you all of a sudden defending this girl?" Axel swings again scowling "cause I'm sick and tiered of your shit, now you hurt a defenseless sweet girl who did nothing to you!" "Why do you care!" "Because I like her." He shouted pushing him to the floor hard. I was surprised the teacher was allowing this. Axel looked back at me seeing my underwear across the room. His face fell and he walked over to them picking them up and coming back over to me. "May I?" He whispered. I bit my lip nodding a little. Carefully he slid them over my feet pulling them to my knees. His hands shook a little and he let go letting me pull them the rest of the way up. The teacher took Bradley's arm pulling him up from the floor. "Let's go, I'm sure this will get you kicked from here." When they left axel helped me to my feet turning away. "I'm so so sorry...I didn't think brad would do that so soon...I was going to talk to him after talking to mr.Alex..." I pulled on my skirt and shirt quickly. My fear was catching up to me and I found it very difficult to stand since I was shaking so violently. Axel turned to me taking me into his arms. "It's's okay." He whispered. "That..." I couldn't speak, I was so frightened. I collapsed but I didn't seem to effect axel, he pulled me into his arms picking up my legs and sat me on a desk. He pushed hair from my face whipping my tears. " it's okay's okay to cry." I leaned into him crying. "'s okay." I looked at him nodding a little. Stroking my cheek he came in and lightly kissed my lips. "It's okay, I won't let brad ever hurt you again, I promise." I nod holding down my skirt. "Are you okay... did he hurt you?" I nodded again looking away. "We're does it hurt!? Oh man...should we get you to the nurses?" "No..." I whispered. " I...I can't...I don't...want anyone touching me right now...." He lifted his hands off me a little but I took his hands. "Not you..." he hesitated but nodded. "We're...we're does it hurt? Maybe I could see?" I blushed looking away. "Ummm...he just threw me around and it hurts on my arms and head..." his hand lightly lifted up my chine. "Did....did he take that from you? Did he...enter in anyway?" "No...not his dick..." he looked at me frowning " his fingers...did he hurt you?" I bit my lip nodding a little. " y...yea." "I'm...I'm so so sorry...we should really go to the nurse..." I shake my head. "I...I can't..." he nodded holding my hands. "Mk..." he pulled me into his arms. "Hold on."

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