Chapter One - Breaking Free (pt. 2)

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      I grab another wrap bandage and take off my bloody clothes then I put the wrap bandage on and put on a dark gray long sleeve shirt and dark gray pants then one of the pairs of boots, then I get a bullet proof vest and put that on over my shirt and put my hair up into a ponytail. I turn to the guard on the floor and take off his utility belt, taking the batteries out of the walkie talkie before replacing it on the belt, then I check the pistol from his belt - it's full {perfect} I think as I put the belt on {yes making yourself look like a guard should help} Ember says in agreement. I put the duffle bag over my shoulder after putting the other clothes and shoes inside as well as the knife I had used thus far after wiping it off on the dead guard and closing it up then I go back out of the gear storage room and upstairs to the training hall and peek through the door - there's a lone guard playing a game on his phone with a headset on, I smirk to myself {security has really gotten rather lax in here - would be practically a cake walk to get it} I think {or out} Ember adds with a giggle.

       I open the door and start slowly stalking towards the guard once I reach him I pull off his headset and swiftly put it around his neck, using it to strangle him, after a few seconds he slumps in my arms and I lay him down carefully then continue down the hall to the next door and open it and start going upstairs to the next floor, I open the door and step out - there's two guards this time - a man and a woman. I start walking towards them and they look up at me then go back to their discussion - thinking I'm just another NECC guard or employee going on yet another mission. I step up behind the man and kick him into the woman, they both fall into a tangled heap and just as they start making sounds of protest and indignation I snap the man's neck then the woman's. 

    I then turn around and go to Lab 2 and enter - all three scientists and completely engrossed in their work and don't even notice me as I go to the back of the room and retrieve a few capsules of toxic gas - each in a special climate controlled metal canister so that they don't burst or become innate - I put two on my belt and start opening the third as I walk to the door - then I open the breaker box and quickly cut power and rip out the fuses, then as they all yell and turn to look I toss the capsule inside where it bursts open and I step out and slam the door, holding it shut as the scientists rush to the door once they realize what I did and start trying to get out. after about two minutes when I'm sure they're all dead I let go of the door and run to Lab 1 and step inside, closing the door behind me - there's another three scientists inside - one cleaning the furnace, one working with the same sort of chemicals and solutions they used on me and another looking down into the acid vat and taking notes, I stalk up behind the one taking notes in front of the acid vat and I kick him into it, then I go to the one cleaning the furnace and I shove her into it as I turn on the highest setting, she starts to scream and I shut her inside then I turn to the last scientist who is still engrossed in his work, I grab one of the needles of what I know to be a fast and vicious poison and I inject it into his neck, his eyes fly open and he looks at the needle, then me and starts reaching for the antidote but I send it flying into the wall on the opposite side of the room where it smashes open, wasted. I turn and start heading back to the door and before I'm even halfway there I hear the last scientist fall over, dead.

   I exit the lab and approach the elevator, stepping over the two guards, I go inside and start up to the next level, when the doors open there's another female guard standing there, before she can react I grab her long blonde hair and wrap it around her neck tightly and push her to her knees as she starts gasping for air, I tighten my hold on her and yank on her hair hard, after a couple seconds she's turning purple, I stand there a few more seconds as she goes limp before snapping her neck, then I head for the armory, I enter and there's only one guard, I put the silencer on the pistol and shoot him in the back of the head, then I get some extra ammunition for the pistol and rifle and put the rifle ammo in my bag the pistol ammo in my belt, then I get a few knives, brass knuckles, and one of the cattle prods, I put two of the knives on my belt at the sides and one in the back, then I grab one more and put it in my boot, then I slip the brass knuckles in the front pocket of my vest and pick up the cattle prod and exit the armory, I then go to the other armory at the other side and execute the guards in there - shooting them both - then I go upstairs to the lounge where there's one sleeping guard, I take out a knife and slit his throat and wipe the blade clean and put it away before I go to the mess hall which is empty.

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