Chapter Two - The Bunker (pt 2)

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      I go to the Emergency Exit and open the door to find a tunnel with a few shallow steps leading up, and a little further down, more shallow steps, on and on out of sight, I start walking down the tunnel and after a while it starts curving to the right for some reason for a bit before straightening out again. About five more minutes of walking and more shallow steps periodically as well as I few short staircases with regular steps I come to a ladder leading up about 25 feet up into a tunnel with a two pulley systems on opposite sides for pulling things up, I climb the ladder and try to open the hatch but something on the outside is stopping it from opening so I go back down and then I go through the tunnel back to the large rectangular room and I notice that near the Emergency Exit hatch there's another ladder leading up to a hatch. I climb up it and open the hatch to find a bedroom with a single loft bed, a book shelf, and a small table.

  I go inside and I see a hatch in the ceiling at the end of the room and a door in the middle of the room, I open the door to find a simple bathroom with a sink, toilet, towel rack, and a shower, I close the door and climb the ladder up into the storage room {well that's a bit more convenient than going the long way around} I think to myself {you think?} Ember replies as I go back down into the bedroom {I think we'll use this as our room} I say to Ember {agreed} she replies {now we just need to clean the place} I say back as I put down my back then go back through the passageways to the kitchen then I get out the broom, dustpan, mop, bucket, and cleaning supplies. Then I go up to the entranceway and open the front doors all the way, then I start sweeping it out starting at the back and working my way to the front then I sweep all the dirt into the dustpan and toss the dust outside then I go off to clean the other rooms. After about five hours I've swept and mopped all the floors, wiped off counters and tables, cleaned out sinks and showers, tossed out old and expired food, cleaned the water and air filters, dusted furniture, disconnected expired propane tanks, and made the bed in the main bedroom and unpacked my things, as well as brought a folding chair into my room that I found in the storage room. Once I'm done I take off my shoes and go up on to my bed and lay down {there that'll do it for now} I think, exhausted from the days events.

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