Chapter Two - The Bunker (pt 1)

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      I pull out my hatchet and start hacking away at the roots that had grown down over the entrance, once I've gotten those cleared I start pulling away the brush and chopped roots to clear the entrance. Once I have the entrance cleared I examine it - a large circular double door set into a square wall - I grab the handles and pull, at first they don't move but I keep pulling and after a few seconds they start to open with a creak. I slowly open the doors and then I pull out the flashlight from my bag and look inside, there's a hallway in the shape of a tube going back about thirty feet with stairs leading down into it, there's cobwebs on the walls and at the end of the hallway there's a small circular hatch set into the floor.  

     I walk down the steps and over to the hatch, clear away the cobwebs on it and try to open it, after a couple seconds it gives way and opens easily. I pull it open and there's an iron ladder leading down, I step onto it cautiously and start climbing down it. Once I reach the bottom I look around and see that I'm in a kitchen, there's a propane stove with a propane tank beneath it, a counter that runs along the wall, a few cabinets over the counter, a sink, a waste bin, and at the far side of the room there's a door in the wall and another hatch in the floor, there's several what looks like ventilation holes in the wall as well - not sure why however seeing as how the kitchen is ten feet underground from the ceiling. I cross the room to the door and open and I see that there's some sort of air filtration system with pipes leading into it - they must be from the ventilation holes in the walls - there's also some cleaning supplies on the floor as well as a broom, dustpan, mop, and bucket. I close the door and open the hatch door and go down the ladder into what appears to be the pantry and on either end of the room there's a door in the wall and a hatch in the floor. I decide to open the closest door first and I see that it's a small room with a generator Inside as well as several gas cans.

     I close the door and go to the other side of the pantry and open the other door to find a storage room with some playing cards, matches, candles, bottled water, canned food, kerosene lamps, a few bottles of wine and whiskey, spare kerosene bottles, as well as blankets and towels. I then open the hatch in the floor and go down into what appears to be a rec room, there is a chess board on a table, a couple couches against the wall, a couple book shelves, and a radio on a shelf on the wall I cross the room to the a door and open to find a training room. Inside there is a few punching bags, a couple bench presses, two weight racks, a towel rack, and a large mat covering the floor so you're not on hard concrete. I then go to the door on the far wall and find a bedroom with four bunk beds and one large trunk, presumably for clothes and a few small chests for personal belongings. I turn around and go back through the training room and rec room then I go down through the hatch in the rec room into large rectangular room that's bathroom with five toilet stalls and three shower stalls against the wall in front of me and on the far wall there's another circular double door in the wall marked EMERGENCY EXIT, on my right there is a door and when I open it I see that it's a gear storage with boots, military uniforms, ruck sacks, etc.

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